Watch: Michigan City Bans LGBTQ Pride Flag, Other Political Flags from City Property

The Hamtramck city council, which is made up entirely of Muslims, unanimously voted on Tuesday in favor of a resolution banning the display on public property of the LGBTQ+ Pride Flag.

According to Click on Detroit, the resolution proposed by Mayor Pro Tem Muhammad Hassan also prohibits any religious, ethnic or racial group flags to be flown in the city. The only flags that can be flown are the American flag, state and city flags and other national flags.

Detroit Free Press reported that the resolution was passed “after months of intense discussion and three hours of public comment”.

According to the report, Hassan and the other council members said that the LGBTQ+ community as well as others are welcome to Hamtramck, but they must respect religious freedom. Some supporters of the resolution claimed that the Pride flag conflicts with their faith. At the Hamtramck event, several speakers from Dearborn, who led protests against LGBTQ books last year, said that American soldiers had sacrificed their lives for the U.S. Flag, not the Pride Flag.

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Nayeem Choudhury, City Councilman of New York City, said that LGBTQ+ people would not be discriminated in the city and should respect the religious freedom of the Muslim community.

Choudhury stated, “We respect the rights to religion of our citizens.” “You are all welcome. Why do you need to display the flag on government property in order to be representative? You are already represented. You’re already represented. “By making this (about bigotry)… it makes it seem like you hate us.”

Members of the City Council also stated that the code did not target a particular group. They said: “If you allow one flag to enter, you will have to permit all flags.”

A Yemeni immigrant spoke out in support of the resolution. He said that the city “respect[s] [all] nations, cultures and their flags… but we only salute the American Flag.”

He spoke about coming to America as a young child from Yemen and thinking until he grew up that America was a racist, evil country. This is because he had been taught this in school. He was only able to realize his gratitude for America when he returned to Yemen as an older man and saw the “poverty, chaos and violence…at a different level.”

“Unfortunately, it seems that many people in this country do not seem to grasp the significance of what I’m saying. “They don’t understand, or don’t care to know what it’s like to be in extreme poverty and to live under severe restrictions, with no freedom to speak, no freedom to practice religion,” said the man.

“I owe first and foremost my success and livelihood to Almighty God and then to this great nation. “Our soldiers fought, died, and bled in the jungles and beaches of Omaha and Iwo Jima so that we can enjoy peace, prosperity and freedom,” said he. “Those soldiers fought only under the American flag.”

It’s embarrassing and shameful to display any other flag on public structures. In your home or private business, you can display anything. We respect all cultures, nations and flags but only salute the American Flag,” he said, concluding by telling the members of the city council, “Do no waver or flinch. You are doing the right things.” God bless you and God Bless America.

According to the report, activists and supporters of the LGBTQ+ Agenda spoke out against the resolution. They “said it would force them out of Hamtramck” and reduce investment in Detroit’s enclave that is known for its artistic and immigrant communities.

A woman in a clown’s nose said sarcastically, “Welcome you if you are straight”, before kissing a woman sitting next to her.

Detroit Free Press reported that Hamtramck is the city with the highest percentages of immigrants in Michigan, and the only one in the United States to have a mayor and city council made up entirely of Muslims. The report says that the vote on Tuesday was part of a city-wide debate about the LGBTQ+ agenda.

The report states that “conservative Christians in 2008 launched an effort to stop a Hamtramck ballot initiative which would have protected gays rights. They reached out to the growing Muslim community of the city to hold rallies to defeat the proposal supported by LGBTQ advocates.” In 2021, the then-Mayor Karen Majewski displayed the Pride flag in front of City Hall. This drew criticism, and prompted challenger AmerGhalib to use it as a campaign issue. Ghalib beat her, and on Tuesday he spoke out in support of Hassan’s resolution.”

The resolution’s approval is yet another sign of the growing alliance of Muslims in the United States who stand with social conservatives against the far-left ideology.

Grover Norquist told Semafor in Semafor’s Semafor’s Semafor’s Semafor’s Semafor’s Semafor”s Semafor””They’re not woke-resistant. “They are woke resistant.”

According to a report, last year, in Dearborn Michigan, Muslim parents asked that “filth” (pornography) and “pornography”, be removed from public schools.

The report says that in late March, Muslim families from the Montgomery County School district in Maryland began showing up at school board meetings in “hundreds” along with Moms for Liberty to protest a rule that said students couldn’t opt out of reading LGBTQ-themed books.

Breitbart News reported that a Montgomery County legislator had accused these Muslim parents in early June of being on the same side as White supremacists, and even outright bigots.

The legislator stated, “That’s equity.” “That is not an infringement of, you know particular religious liberties, just like we cannot allow people to opt out from teachings about evolutionary theory.”

Rola Makki is the first Muslim to be appointed as outreach director for the Michigan GOP. She told Semafor she wants to convince Muslims of how Democrats are ignoring them to pursue an extremist agenda.

Makki stated that many people from the Middle East had been persecuted because of their religious beliefs, and they wanted to come to America for religious freedom. How did we get from tolerance and acceptance to imposing beliefs on people?

Makki tweeted in March: “When anyone asks why I, as a Muslim, have aligned myself with the GOP, all I do is go to the Libs of TikTok and show them their insane leftist views.”