Florida bill would require public schools to show anti-abortion ‘Baby Olivia’ video in classrooms

The mandate is part of a comprehensive education bill which includes a number education initiatives by Gov. Ron DeSantis is a strong advocate.

Florida could be added to the list of red-states that require public schools teach “human embryologic growth” as part their health education curriculum. This would likely happen via a controversial film.

The HB 1255 bill, filed Wednesday by Rep. Dana Trabulsy would provide information on embryologic development in the form of “a high-quality computer-generated rendering or animation, video or other multimedia of at least three-minute duration, describing and showing the process of fertilisation and the various stages of the human development within the uterus and noting significant markers of cell growth and organs development.”

The Department of Education of the state would implement rules to implement this requirement in health education curricula of students from grades 6-12.

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The mandate is part of a broad education law that encompasses several education initiatives by Gov. Ron DeSantis has been a champion of many initiatives, such as allowing teachers at charter schools and those who work in lab schools to be eligible for Teacher of The Year. He also added dyscalculia, a learning disorder, to the list specialties that a teacher could be certified. Dyscalculia affects the ability to understand math and number-based information.

Florida Phoenix requested a comment from Rep. Dana Trabulsy, the sponsor of the bill. She did not respond immediately. The bill was not referred to a House committee and it had no Senate counterpart.

While the HB 1255 legislation does not mention any specific video, Florida seems to be following other Republican-led States that have pushed for similar legislation backed up by the anti abortion group Live Action. It produced a video titled “Baby Olivia,” that has received more than 9,6 million views on YouTube.

The video takes viewers through 38 weeks when the narrator states, “She’ll soon signal to her mom that it’s time for birth and greet the outside universe.”

Live Action includes “frequently Asked Questions” beneath the video, including “How do you know that life begins with fertilization?”

Answer: “Numerous scientists and textbooks confirm the fact that human life starts at the moment when a male sperm enters a female egg, causing an entirely new human being with its own DNA to grow and develop.”


Kelly Skidmore, a state representative from New York State, said that she felt “sick” after watching the video. She called it “propaganda”, which is meant to “brainwash” children.

This is not science. This isn’t what we teach at school. Science is taught in school, but it says that we do not know the exact moment life begins. It’s not during conception. More than half the population believes that life does not begin at conception. “This is religion being taught in our public schools, and it has no business there.”

States Newsroom of which Florida Phoenix belongs, reported on a number states last month that required the video be shown.

The story mentions that Tennessee lawmakers passed the bill in the last year, and it was signed by Republican Governor. Bill Lee. This year, similar proposals were made in Arkansas, Iowa Nebraska and Oklahoma.

Anna Eskamani of Orlando, a Democrat State Representative, has denounced this proposal.

“I find this ironic. The Legislature has restricted books and banned specific content they do not like, and yet they promote content of a political nature that was developed by a group that opposes abortion. The content is being pushed on children. It’s offensive. It’s disgusting. Eskamani, a Florida Phoenix reporter, said: “It’s yet another example of taxpayer dollars being spent to promote a political agenda.”

It’s “so gross” when 57% voters tell you that they don’t agree with your anti-abortion campaign, yet you still pursue it. She was referring to the yes votes for Amendment 4 in Florida last year. The amendment would have enshrined the right to abortion into the Florida Constitution, but fell short on the 60% approval required.