Governor Inslee Signs Washington Assault Weapon Ban

Washington is the 10th State to limit semiautomatic gun possession by a stupid features list.

On April 19, the House approved a Senate-added floor amendment to House Bill1240, by approving it 56-42. The amendment allows gun manufacturers to sell stock that was already on hand prior to January 1, 2023. However, they can only do so to clients outside of the state for 90 days following the bill’s implementation. Vendors aren’t completely ruined, but they will be mostly.

The bill allows law enforcement officers and military personnel to own assault weapons, except in inheritance cases. The guns that are already in place can stay. This means the risk profile of the state is not changed at all.

NSSF and other national and state organizations have vowed that they will challenge the bill, arguing that the ban violates Article II. Second Amendment Foundation has filed a federal suit on Tuesday to challenge the ban and ask for permanent and preliminary injunctions. The federal courts are still examining assault weapon bans and who knows how much longer this will be in place. Illinois is facing multiple lawsuits and it’s fate is also unknown. The Chicago-led state passed its ban in January.

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In a prepared press release, Alan Gottlieb, Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation, said that the state had enacted an outright ban on the manufacturing, sale, and import of many firearms which were incorrectly labeled “assault weapon”. These weapons are owned by millions across the nation. The state criminalized the semiautomatic rifle, a popular and useful self-defense tool. The state is penalizing law abiding citizens and putting politics before constitutional rights. This legislation also does not do anything to arrest or prosecute criminals that misuse firearms and violate all gun control laws. “It is absurd.”