Group of migrants sends list of demands to Denver’s mayor

A group of migrants living in an encampment near Denver, Colorado sent a demand list to the mayor.

The group stated that if they are satisfied with their demands, they would stay in shelters funded by the city and leave their camp where families still live in tents, including small children.

Denver Human Services has urged the migrants to enter shelters and get off of the streets. This offer is still in place, according to officials. They are refusing to accept the offer and claim that the city has broken its agreement with them. The city, however, insists it will still provide services to migrants who choose shelters over encampments.

V Reeves said that the camp, as a group, had a set of demands.

George Soros’ Goons came to my District
1776 Coalition Sponsored
George Soros’ Goons came to my District

George Soros sent his goons into my district to hold a fake townhall meeting. This is Rep. Jack Bergman. They didn’t invite me, but they used an empty chair as a prop while they attacked my support for DOGE and America First policies. If you’re tired of Soros-funded leftists attempting to sabotage America’s future, then please help me keep up the fight in Congress.

This was after city officials had petitioned to have people moved from an encampment under a train bridge and near the tracks to shelters that were funded by them.

Reeves stated that “this morning, they sent busses to take people without presenting this document and without any type of signature for accountability.”

Reeves says that the city did not meet their demands.

What we don’t want are families walking the streets of Denver

Denver Human Services’ Jon Ewing said, “We have been offering families time and shelter to try and get them to leave the camp and move inside.”

Ewing stated that shelter has its benefits, including getting away from the conditions outside.

Ewing replied, “Which includes three square meals per day.” You can cook it yourself if you want to.

This is the most important demand from migrants who are unhappy with the food that the city provides.

Reeves stated that “there have been many complaints regarding the food not being fresh or adequate and malnutrition in children.”

Migrants in shelters often get a step-by-step guide to a work permit. Reeves stated that the migrants in the encampment did not receive the same benefits.

Reeves stated that “They are not receiving any official housing or immigration documents support, which is extremely necessary for them in order to be able navigate the bureaucracy of these systems.”

The city’s offer includes these benefits, according to the city.

What do you qualify for?” What are you not qualified for? Ewing asked. “We are always trying to find a compromise. We are trying to find a solution. “At the end of it all, we don’t want families walking the streets of Denver.”

What are the demands of migrants?

The migrants made 13 demands of the city. The messages shared with FOX31 reveal the following demands:

The City will provide fresh ingredients that are culturally appropriate to the migrant’s culture, instead of premade food – such as rice, chicken, oil, butter and tomatoes. Also, people won’t be punished if they bring in food from outside.

We are civilians, not military personnel. So we can access the showers whenever we want.

Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed.

Housing support will be provided to all. It is not possible to kick people out of their homes in 30 days if there hasn’t been a stable alternative.

Before removing someone from a job, there should be a fair and clear process, including verbal, in writing, & stern final warnings.

All shelter residents are connected to employment assistance, including the application of work permits for those who meet the requirements.

The City will offer ongoing legal support to each individual/family in the form immigration document clinics and transportation to court dates.

The City will ensure that families and individuals are able to have privacy within the shelter.

Staff will no longer be allowed to verbally or physically abuse customers, and there will be no more sheriffs sleeping in the building or monitoring 24 hours a day. We are not criminals and we won’t be treated like one.

All children will receive transportation to and from school until the end of their 3 week course.

Families will not be separated, whether or not they have children. The camp will remain together.

The City should schedule a meeting as soon as possible with the Mayor and those who are directly involved in the Newcomer Program to discuss ways to improve the program & support migrants.

All residents must receive a signed document in English and Spanish by an official of the City that contains all these demands, including a phone number to call if they wish to report any mistreatment.

The city will continue to provide buses for migrants who choose to leave the camp and go to an encampment or congregate shelter.