Left-Wing Groups Seeking Abortion Ballot Measures in 9 States for 2024

Following a series of similar victories after Roe v. Wade, left-wing activists in the United States organize and rally to collect signatures ahead of the 2024 ballot initiative for abortion.
Dobbs, the Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe and created a federal right to abortion, returned the power to the states and their elected officials, changing the nature and character of the battle between the prolife movement and abortion industry. The pro-abortion groups and activists are backed by affiliates of left-wing organizations like Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and others. They have secretly turned to ballot initiatives in order to strengthen and grow the abortion industry in light of the change from federal to state authority.
So far, the plan has worked. Since Roe’s fall, every abortion-related measure on the ballot has been successful. Kansans rejected the ballot measure in the 2022 special election that would have declared that the state Constitution did not include the right to abortion. In the midterm elections of 2022, California, Michigan and Vermont voters codified abortion in their constitutions. Montana voters rejected a ballot initiative that would have granted rights to babies who were born alive during botched abortions. Kentucky voters also rejected a similar amendment to that in Kansas. On November 7, Ohioans voted, too, to codify their “right” to an abortion into the state constitutions through Issue 1.
The effectiveness of ballot measures as offensive weapons is enhanced by the fact that they are essentially irreversible. They change a state’s constitution, override laws passed by state legislators and can be reversed only by another ballot measure.
The funding for these measures is provided by left-wing national organizations with deep pockets. Out-of-state shadow money groups and billionaires who have eugenicist tendencies. They often outspend pro-life organizations twice or three times.
The nine states that you should be on the lookout for in the next election:
Last week, a coalition of left-wing organizations officially launched their effort to enshrine in the Nebraska Constitution the supposed “right” to abort.
Protect Our Rights, an alliance endorsed by groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska (ACLU of Nebraska) and Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska submitted proposed petition text to the Nebraska Secretary of state in October.
According to the Associated Press, the proposed amendment would declare a right to abortion up to “fetal viability”, which is usually considered between 22 and 24 weeks gestation. Or “whenever necessary to protect the health or life of the pregnant woman,” the AP reported.
The report says that “under the petition language, a patient’s doctor would determine the fetal viability”.
By summer 2024, the coalition of the left must have collected approximately 125,000 valid signatures for the amendment to be on the ballot in 2019.
To pass a measure, it must be approved by a majority of voters, plus at least 35% of those who vote.
Republican Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen, the Republican Nebraska Governor, signed a law in May 2023 which restricts abortions to 12 weeks of pregnancy. It also outlaws “gender affirming care” (or treatment that promotes gender identity) for minors. Nebraska had a 20-week limit on abortions before the 12-week restriction was implemented.
South Dakota
The South Dakota Searchlight reported that a group named Dakotans for Health had reached the signatures required to submit their abortion ballot initiative to Secretary of State’s Office. However, it will continue collecting signatures until they reach its goal of 60,000. The report says that the organization “expects” to submit its abortion ballot initiative ahead of deadline, and possibly by the end the year.
The proposed amendment to the Constitution would permit abortions in the first trimester, but only in relation to the health of the woman during pregnancy. The amendment would allow for abortions to be prohibited or regulated in the third trimester except where necessary to protect “the mother’s life and health”.
If the measure is on the ballot, it would need to be passed by a simple majority.
The state has outlawed abortions, except for those performed to “preserve life of the female pregnant.”
In Missouri, several groups have proposed amendments that support abortion. However, one appears to be moving ahead.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, a newspaper in Missouri, reported that the Missouri Women and Family Research Fund was headed by Jamie Corley. She said that the organization had begun its signature collection during litigation regarding the proposed ballot language.
As written, the ballot would ask:
You want to amend Missouri Constitution:
Allow abortions without excuse up to twelve weeks gestational age;
Change Missouri’s laws on the right to Life
Allow abortions to be performed at any age, without interference from the government, before viability of the fetus in cases of rape, sexual assault, with reporting requirements; incest or fatal fetal anomalies, or danger to the mother’s health/safety.
Limit the authority of the General Assembly to refuse to allocate funds to abortion providers
Limit criminal prosecution/civil penalties of anyone who induces, seeks or obtains an abortion, or assists, supports or provides assistance to induce or seek one?
To appear on the ballot, the organization must gather 170,000 signatures before May 2024. The measure can pass with 50,1 percent of votes.
Abortions in California are illegal, except in cases of medical emergency to save the life of a woman.
Floridians Protecting Freedom is a coalition of groups on the left, including Planned Parenthood, ACLU of Florida and Planned Parenthood. They are the main sponsors of an abortion ballot measure in Florida.
The initiative’s language states that: “Except for Article X, Section 22 no law shall prohibit or penalize abortion before viability, or when necessary to safeguard the patient’s health as determined by their healthcare provider.”
The provision cited allows the state legislatures to require parental notification prior to a minor having an abortion. A child can also ask a judge for permission.
WFLA reported that the coalition collected 491,000 of the required 891,523 signatures to put the measure on the ballot. The measure is called “Amendment to limit government interference with abortion.”
For the measure to become law, 60 percent of voters would have to vote in its favor.
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, (R), and other groups have asked for the Supreme Court of Florida to stop the initiative being put on the ballot by 2024.
Florida Gov. Florida Gov.
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