Report: Oregon Pitches Mobile Abortion Clinics for ‘Rural Parts of the State, Communities of Color’

Live Action News reported Monday that Oregon lawmakers are considering sending “mobile abortion clinics”, to rural areas of the state and communities in color, to aid them in ending the lives of their unborn child.

After Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, Dan Rayfield (D), Oregon House Speaker, created recommendations for a “Reproductive Health and Access to Care” work group. It recommended that the state use university and community health centers to increase abortion information and medication.

Herald and News reported that “That could include using community health to deploy mobile abortion centers and having college medical centres dispense abortion inducing medication and emergency contraception.”

Representatives from radical pro-abortion groups such as Planned Parenthood and Oregon ACLU, Oregon Nurses Association and Center for Reproductive Rights as well as groups that support “transgender rights”, were part of the work group.

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These groups also stated that they would like to pursue crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs), often run by prolife groups, which offer alternative abortions as well as resources and services for parents and pre- and post-natal care.

According to the report, “[The group] also wants state unfair trade practices used to pursue crisis pregnancy centers operated ‘pro-life’ groups offering alternative abortions.” The work group also calls for state statutes and medical regulations that provide greater protections for gender affirming care, including sex change. This includes privacy protections for transgender doctors.

According to the work group’s recommendations document, Oregon should “implement an Oregon-based pilot for (Federally Qualified Health Centers). FQHCs who are interested in expanding reproductive healthcare services to support abortion access via state funding. To assist in pilot design and administration, establish a technical advisory team. Pilot criteria should be flexible enough to allow the use of mobile clinics, or other transitional features. Applicants must also demonstrate a commitment to expanding reproductive healthcare services.”

According to the Herald and News, Oregon has a $15 million public fund that “helps women travel to Oregon for abortions and helps clinics with staffing and equipment.”