Tax-Funded Ohio Group Sponsors Program to Teach Children How to Be Drag Queens

A program sponsored by an organization funded by Ohio tax payers teaches children how to be drag queens.

According to its website, the Fairview, Ohio Colors+ Youth Center offers monthly programs that teach children to be drag queens.

Drag Queen Story Hour Cleveland and the youth center are collaborating to host a Saturday event that will feature a “drag artist reading a book for LGBTQ+ youth with themes of inclusivity, love, and creativity.”

According to the website, drag performers such as Sassy Sascha and Rhett Korvette read to children.

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The center hosts monthly drag tutorials taught by a local performer. They teach the basics of drag, including makeup, costume design and performance.

The center notes that Cuyahoga Arts and Culture is also funding the drag show.

Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, a taxpayer funded organization, is, according to their website, “one of the largest public funding organizations for arts and cultural in the United States, helping hundreds and organizations in Cuyahoga county connect millions of people with cultural experiences every year.”

Cuyahoga County taxpayers provide funding for Cuyahoga Art and Culture after Issue 8 was approved in 2015. This ballot measure costs taxpayers 12 million dollars a year, raised by cigarette tax.

Cuyahoga Arts & Culture has a mission to strengthen and inspire the community through arts and culture. “In 2016, we established a new set of values and a vision that will support our efforts over the next 10 years, along with our mission,” the organization states.

Cuyahoga Arts and Culture believes that Ohio’s mission is to expose children to drag queens and the radical gay agenda.

It is not the first instance that a state entity has offered drag queen classes for children. The Delaware County District Library, in Delaware, Ohio offered “Drag 101” classes for teens as well.