‘Tons’ of food gets tossed daily by NYC hotel because migrants won’t eat it

A staggering ten-thousand pounds of taxpayer-provided food is thrown away every day at a Manhattan hotel that houses migrants. This is because the workers prefer to cook their own meals on dangerous hot plates.
Felipe Rodriguez, a hotel employee, said that disturbing photos showed garbage bags stuffed with bagels and sandwiches at the Row NYC hotel near Times Square. The hotel charges a daily fee of $500 per room.
He said, “It’s a crime for you to throw out so many food.”
Rodriguez also said that other images showed a hotel room piled high with empty beer bottles and cans after a wild World Cup viewing party.
Rodriguez stated that the gathering took place in a room where the occupant had “given the key to a cousin” but she was “in the Bronx, hanging around” and erupted into a fight over who won the match. Rodriguez said one man left with a “big knot” on his head.
Rodriguez stated that he also recorded a short video clip of two female migrants engaging in a hair-pulling match outside the hotel’s doors during New Year’s Eve celebrations last week.
A cellphone recording of 23 seconds shows men holding what appears to be beer cans and trying to separate women who fell off the sidewalk onto the street.
A NYPD source working in Times Square on New Years Eve confirmed that the hotel was chaotic. He said the lobby was littered by broken bottles, and revelers were dancing on the floor while others were spread out on the furniture.
The cops stated that it was “a total s— show”.
City Hall refused to disclose the cost of renting out the Row and other hotels used to house migrants.
Rodriguez stated that he had heard from management that it was between $400 and $500 per night for a room depending on the size of the room.
Rodriguez, 57 years old, stated that he started working at the 1,300-room hotel as a relief and humanitarian center in 2017.
He said, “What happened in October was dramatic.” “There are many nice immigrants in that hotel searching for the American dream, the second chance to make it in society. There are many migrants that cause chaos. There are many fights, lots of drugs and a lot sexual harassment.
According to an NYPD source, cops responded to several domestic incidents at the hotel.
Rodriguez stated that NYPD officers were originally stationed in the lobby, but were later replaced by National Guard soldiers.
Rodriguez stated that the hotel also had a list of people who were supposed to be quarantined for COVID, chickenpox or whatever else.
He said, “Nobody supervises these people.” “Once they become bored, they run. We don’t know who is sick or not.
Rodriguez also said regretfully, “We are living in an environment which is hostile and violent and not secure anymore.”
The Row NYC is one the four HERRCs in Manhattan that have opened as of Sunday. They also rent out 71 smaller hotels throughout the city.
According to City Hall’s most recent count, 26,100 of 38,700 migrants have flooded into New York City since spring.
Initial plans were to allow migrants to be processed in the HERRCs for 72 hours, but officials abandoned this goal when they became overwhelmed by the influx. Adams declared a state emergency in October.
Rodriguez, who was wrongly convicted in the 1987 fatal stabbing in Queens and released in January 2017, said that at most 40 percent of food provided to migrants at The Row is thrown away.
Rodriguez also calculated that Rodriguez wasted almost a tonne per day.
“How can I find that?” He explained that sanitation workers go floor to floor picking up trash every day. “Before, there were six to seven bags on each floor’s back landing. They now pick up 15, 20 bags.
“All the food [the migrants] don’t eat is in those bags. They’re heavy.” One of those bags was full of sandwiches. It weighed 60 pounds.
Rodriguez said, “There were times when we couldn’t take out all the garbage because the bins weren’t full. I’m talking about 25, 30 garbage bins.”
“My problem is why are we throwing so much food away? Someone in the city should have suggested, “Let’s order fewer food so that we throw out less food.” But he didn’t care.
Rodriguez stated that he has also confiscated hot plates and pressure cookers from hotel guests at least eight times.
“I felt horrible. They want hot food. They do not want sandwiches. They want a meal cooked in their country. He said that it was a serious problem.
Rodriguez stated that the migrants receive sandwiches and bagels in addition to chips and fruit.
They don’t like the food. They don’t like the menu. He said that they want to eat rice, beans, plantains, and tostones.”
Rodriguez recalls an incident from last month, when Rodriguez knocked at the door of the 18th floor to deliver a bed. Rodriguez said that he saw smoke and could hear the alarm go off.
He said, “I put my key in and pushed the door open. A lot of smoke came out.” “A lady appeared and I asked her what she was doing. She replied, Nothing.’ I then said, I don’t know what you mean. “Where’s all the smoke coming from?” She replied, “I don’t know.”
Rodriguez claimed that he searched the room for a pot of rice and discovered it in the bathroom vanity. There were also two other pots and a frying pan under the bed.
He said, “It was older that my grandmother, and I’ve been gone a long while.” “I was like, “Seriously?” This is an electrical problem. This is electrical.
Rodriguez, who worked at the hotel despite receiving a $5 million settlement from state authorities in April, said that he was so upset that he gave $300 to the Rodriguez family the next day and asked them to go to a restaurant.
Rodriguez stated that he understood why Rodriguez couldn’t allow the migrants to cook in their rooms.
He said that hot plates are usually placed on the rug to hide it from others and keep it away from the fire alarm. It’s over if the polyester curtains near the windows touch the red coil. This is a possibility that will scare the crap out of everyone in the Row.
The elevators will not work if you’re on the 27th or 28th floors and there is a fire. He said that this means you must use the stairs. My biggest concern is the children. There are too many children at the hotel. There are too many pregnant women in that hotel… It would be a tragedy.”
Rodriguez stated that Row was “for”
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