Utah Republicans Pass Ban On Trans Procedures For Minors, Gov. Spencer Cox Not Likely To Veto

After the bills were passed by both the Senate and House of Utah, Utah will ban transgender practices on minors.

This bill bans transgender surgery and puberty blocking drugs for children. Other states are also looking to adopt similar legislation to protect children from irreversible operations.

During a Senate debate on the bill, Republican State Senator Michael Kennedy stated that “our country is witnessing an extreme and dangerous push to allow children to enter this type of health care.” Kennedy, the bill’s sponsor, stated that transgender surgery for children is not supported by sufficient long-term research.

The bill passed 58-14 in the Republican-controlled House on Thursday before going back to the Senate, where it was approved again on Friday. “For me as a mother, grandmother, and nurse. “I have a vested in Utah’s health and wellbeing as do all of us,” said Republican Rep. Katy Hall.

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The bill is unlikely to be vetoed by Spencer Cox, Republican Governor of Massachusetts.

When asked about the transgender bill, he replied that he would monitor for any changes and not veto them.

The bill will be effective immediately if it is approved by the governor. It would not prevent teens who are already taking cross-sex hormones or puberty blocksers from continuing with their current treatment.

Medical providers may also be sued in certain cases for negligence when they administer hormonal treatments.

Democrats and LGBTQ groups opposed this bill. They claimed that transgender procedures (which include double mastectomies for teenage girls) are “life-saving healthcare.”

In a joint statement, senators from Democrats stated that they oppose any legislation that limits access to life-saving medical care for the most vulnerable youth. “We believe that everyone should be able to modify their birth certificates without any restrictions or intrusions from the government.

Tennessee and Montanna are also considering bills to ban pediatric gender transitions. These bills are being considered as transgender procedures have seen a significant increase in popularity among minors.

According to Komodo’s analysis of insurance claims analyzed in Reuters, 776 mastectomies have been performed on teen girls diagnosed with gender dysphoria between 2019 and 2021.