AOC proposes subpoenas and impeachment to limit SCOTUS justices’ power following landmark decisions

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY), a member of the Democratic “Squad”, slammed Sunday the U.S. Supreme Court over what she called “abuses of power”. This was in response to landmark rulings this week that rejected affirmative action, and Biden’s plan for student loan debt. She suggested impeachment as well as subpoenas to limit the power of the justices.

Ocasio Cortez, on CNN’s State of the Union program, said that the Supreme Court has overstepped its authority.

She added, “I also believe that we need to have conversations about judicial reviews as a way of checking the courts.”

This past week the Supreme Court released the final decisions of its term. Among them were the rejection of the use of race in admissions and the ruling in favor a Christian website designer who refused to create a same-sex marriage websites. It also struck down President Biden’s plan for cancelling student loan debt. Democrats have viewed the rulings as attacks on the left and denounced the court’s legitimacy.

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Ocasio Cortez stated on Sunday that “these are the kinds of rulings which signal a dangerous creep towards authoritarianism, and the centralization of powers in the courts.” “In fact we have court members themselves, with Justice Elena Kagan stating that the court has begun to assume the powers of a legislative body.”

Ocasio Cortez is a strong advocate for court-packing, and for limiting the power of the courts. She even went so far as to tell CNN’s Dana Bash subpoenas or impeachment could be considered.

The Democrat Representative said: “I believe we should consider subpoenas if Chief Justice Roberts does not want to come before Congress and be investigated voluntarily.” “We should consider investigations.” “We must adopt more stringent and binding ethics guidelines when we see Supreme Court members potentially breaking the laws, as we have seen in the refusal of Clarence Thomas to withdraw from cases implicating the wife he was married to on Jan. 6,.”

“Impeachment must also be on the table.” She continued, “We have many tools available to deal with misconduct and abuses of power. The Supreme Court is not receiving the necessary oversight to maintain its own legitimacy.” In the process of doing so, they have destroyed the legitimacy and authority of the court. This is dangerous to our democracy.

In a Thursday interview with MSNBC, President Trump clarified that he is against expanding the Supreme Court. Biden said that efforts to expand Supreme Court could “politicize” it in an unhealthy way.

“I think it might be just me being an optimist. He continued, “I think some members of the court have begun to recognize that their legitimacy has been questioned.

AOC made headlines, however, shortly after the Supreme Court’s affirmative-action ruling. She suggested that the court wasn’t serious when it claimed its “ludicrous “colorblindness” claims,” or else they would have “abolished legacy admissions.”

Ocasio-Cortez tweeted her thoughts about the ruling, pointing out that “70%” of Harvard’s legacy candidates are white and that the Supreme Court had “not touched that – affecting them and their patrons.”

Social media users criticized the congresswoman for her stance on legacy admissions, the practice that gives preference to the children of alumni. The court was not involved.