Echelon Poll: Trump Has 7-Point Lead Over Biden in Swing States

According to a Wednesday Echelon Poll, Donald Trump has a 7-point advantage over Joe Biden in swing states.

Biden still has a narrow lead among likely voters (43%-42%), with 48% of those in swing states saying they will probably or definitely vote Trump.

Trump’s advantage in swing states increases when Green Party candidate Cornel west is included. 48% of respondents said they would choose the former president over Biden, compared to 40%.

Newsweek reported that there is always a risk that a third party candidate could impact the Electoral College’s results, especially if they get enough votes in a state or states considered to be battlegrounds.

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“In an election that is close, Cornel could be the spoiler.”

He added that “there is no evidence that suggests that the 2024 elections will be anything other than a very tight election decided by razor thin margins.” This means that a candidate from a third party could have a large influence on the outcome.

Trump’s presidential campaign for 2024 raised more than 35 million dollars in the second fundraising quarter this year. This is nearly twice what the former President raised in the previous quarter, and it comes after he was charged with mishandling classified documents.

A NBC survey conducted between June 16-20 revealed that Trump’s lead over Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis is trailing by 51% to only 22% and the rest the Republican candidates.

The survey was conducted by Republican Bill McInturff, of Public Opinion Strategies and Democratic Jeff Horwitt, of Hart Research Associates.

Horwitt, a Republican pollster, said that Republican voters are not only sticking with Trump after the federal indictment, but there are also several signs that show his support is increasing or other candidates are losing ground. Ron DeSantis, for example, has been losing ground.

The Echelon Insights survey was conducted between 26 June and 29 June, with an error margin of +/- 3.9% percentage points.