Hard-Left Dems Want Funding Restored To UN Org Accused Of Supporting Terrorists

It is an antisemitic, anti-Israel organization.

Hard-left Democrats have introduced a bill that would restore U.S. funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, an organization accused of supporting terrorist organizations.

The UNRWA Funding Emergency Restoration Act of 2020 was introduced by Representatives Pramila Jayapal (D WA), Andre Carson(D IN), and Jan Schakowsky(D IL). This act seeks to resume the funding of the organization that had been halted in 2018 by the former President Donald Trump, restored by Joe Biden upon his assumption of office, but then halted once again after it was discovered that UNRWA employees were directly involved in Hamas’ massacre of over 1200 people on October 7,

UNRWA’s announcement in February stated that “on 26 January, after receiving oral allegations from Israeli officials about the alleged participation of 12 UNRWA employees in the 7th October attack on Israel, the UNRWA commissioner-general decided to terminate these appointments immediately ‘in order to protect the Agency’, according to applicable staff regulations. This was done to protect the Agency’s ability to provide humanitarian assistance.”

[REPORT] Illegals voting in swing states!

Illegals and non-citizens are being registered to vote in key swing states like Pennsylvania and Arizona, yet the Democrats in Congress are blocking attempts to pass a national ban on non-citizens voting in our elections. Don’t let the Left steal the election from Trump and the GOP again! Protect American Values by demanding Congress ban illegals from voting in our elections.

[REPORT] Illegals voting in swing states!
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UNRWA denied the accusations for months, and falsely labelled them as Israeli propaganda or “disinformation.”

At a hearing of the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs held one month after the October 7, massacre, Rep. Christopher H. Smith, R-N.J., chairman of the subcommittee stated:

UNRWA teaches hatred of Jews to a vastly increased number of children and grandchildren of the original refugee. UNRWA textbooks, curricula and summer camps as well as its official media are all notorious incubators of hate. A report from U.N. Watch in June and Impact SC’s March 2009 report carefully documents that “UNRWA deliberately hires teachers” who praise Hitler and glorify terrorist attacks on Israeli children.

He continued, “A new Impact SC Report just released exposes a deplorable truth: UNRWA employees celebrated Hamas’ massacre.” UN Watch released a report two days ago on November 6 that documented how, as soon as the news broke of the horrifying slaughter, which had been live streamed by terrorists on social media, UNRWA staff celebrated and justified the act on Facebook. “Celebrated the slaughter of innocents.”

The Jerusalem Post reported that in 2014: “Nobody should have been shocked that UNRWA allowed Hamas use of its facilities or provided employment to Hamas Members, or that UNRWA’s textbooks followed the Hamas Agenda.”

Hillel Neuer told Congress in November 2023 that teachers and schools of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (which runs education and social service for Palestinians) regularly encourage murdering Jews and create teaching material which glorifies terrorism, encourages martyrdom, and demonizes Israelis and promotes antisemitism.

Jonathan Schanzer is Senior Vice President for the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. He stated that “the UN does not recognize Hamas’s status as a terrorist group.” Hezbollah is not recognized either. This means that UN resources are regularly provided to members of these terrorist groups.”

The Washington Free Beacon reported that in February last year, Congressman Ronny (R-TX) introduced the Uncovering UNRWA’s Terrorist Crimes Act, which would prohibit additional funding by the United States for UNRWA.

There’s a good reason why President Trump stopped all funding for UNRWA under his administration. It’s an anti-Israel and anti-Jewish group that promotes anti-Semitism and terrorism. UNRWA, one of the biggest money-laundering and child trafficking organizations in the World, works directly with Hamas in order to hire teachers who will indoctrinate children. It’s yet another example of how the United States is being duped into sending billions to globalist groups that want to place America at the bottom, despite having more than $34 trillion of debt. UNRWA has been using American taxpayer money to promote and enable terrorism. I will no longer stand for this.