Here We Go Again: Pro-Hamas Agitators Arrested at Cannon House Building

The U.S. Capitol Police arrested 130 individuals on Tuesday for illegally protesting in the Cannon House Office Building during yet another pro Hamas demonstration. These arrests are less than three months old, and come after pro-Hamas demonstrators illegally protested at Cannon House Office Building.

Due to the winter storms that hit Washington, D.C., the House cancelled all votes. However, Senate continues to operate to avoid a government shut down. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-GA, was able share video footage of illegal activity which took place on Tuesday.

Mennonite Action, a group that posted videos of its illegal activities on Tuesday, repeated pro-Hamas narratives, calling for a cessation of hostilities, and claimed their actions to be “peaceful.”

Mennonite in Action’s website has a section called “Condemning All Violence”, which refers to the calls of families who lost 240 family members when Hamas terrorists attacked Israel on 7 October. This page appears to also equate Israel with Hamas. The emphasis is placed on:

2025 could be the Saddest Year
1776 Coalition Sponsored
2025 could be the Saddest Year

Israel has been at war for over 500 days.

Over 50 hostages are still in captivity and the military remains on high alert.

All of Israel remains under a cloud of uncertainty.

The Genesis123Foundation continues to provide resources to the people of Israel and its army. These funds will be used to ensure Israel’s soldiers and security forces can safeguard Israel by providing essentials such as:

  • Modern body armor,
  • Medical supplies, and
  • Life-saving equipment

Will you help equip Israel’s Soldiers and Security forces?

Mennonite Action builds on the work done by MCUSA, Mennonite Palestine Israel Network and Mennonite Jewish Relations. We fully support the statements made by these organizations, which have condemned violence from both Hamas as well as Israel.

We support the brave call made by the Israeli families who have taken hostages. “Koolam Tmoorat Koolam,” everyone for everybody, is a call for each Palestinian hostage to be exchanged with every Hamas hostage. This is a call to show that our humanity is closely linked, that we are all in this together and must work together to protect the lives of others. Violence is a vicious cycle, and we must be unrelenting to end Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine and work for peace, justice and equality. All life is protected and nurtured by a call for peace and the end of occupation.

Mennonite Action is most concerned about ending the Gaza war, as a ceasefire permanent will protect millions innocent people. We pray that a ceasefire will save many lives, and will begin the journey to lasting peace between Palestinians & Israelis.

We will continue to call for an end to the occupation that is just and peaceful when a permanent ceasefire has been achieved.

Page does not mention that Hamas terrorists killed 1,200 Israelis during the attack on October 7, where men, woman, and children were brutally murdered. Even babies and Holocaust survivors weren’t spared. Hamas tortured, raped and kidnapped 240 people in addition to those mentioned above, all for the sake of the group’s agenda.

The “Call to Action”, another section of their website, emphasizes Mennonite views on war and piece with original emphasis.

We are the people of God’s Peace. We are Mennonites and we’re called to be peacemakers. Mennonites in Palestine have answered this call for more than 65 year. MennoPIN, the Mennonite Central Committee and other Mennonite congregations and groups have been in Palestine for many decades, responding to humanitarian issues, promoting sustainable development, advocating justice, supporting reconciliation and fostering long-lasting relationships. In 2017, MCUSA adopted a resolution committing itself to oppose Israel’s military occupation in Palestine and actively fighting anti-semitism.

The section begins by stating that the “brutal attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilians of October 7, 2008” shocked them. It then continues to say that they are “horrified by Israel’s daily attacks on Palestinian civilians as the death toll increases, including thousands children,” and that “we cannot keep silent.”

Hamas is the one who broke ceasefires. Hamas had a ceasefire before the brutal attack on October 7 and a temporary ceasefire was in place in November for negotiations to free hostages. Hamas also broke the ceasefires.

Mennonite Action X has only been active since November 2023 after the Hamas attack on October 7.

This latest example of pro-Hamas disruptive behavior is not the only one in recent times. Federal employees are planning to walk out in protest of the support that President Joe Biden has shown for Israel. Biden had condemned Netanyahu’s government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response.

According to Fox News San Antonio, an Instagram post by “Feds United For Peace” still advertises a “Day of Mourning for Gaza.”

Weather can ruin plans. The weather was bad on Tuesday. A blizzard struck the nation’s Capitol on Monday, and federal workers were asked to stay at home. Feds United for Peace reported to The National Desk that despite the snow day the Day of Mourning continued and “many eligible employees still participated in Day of Mourning.”

The participants are reportedly from more than 25 agencies, including the White House and House of Representatives as well as the National Security Agency, Department of Defense, and National Security Agency.

Some legislators said that such demonstrations were against the law.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) warned that anyone who left the office without permission deserved to be fired. He promised to personally take disciplinary measures.

The law prohibits federal employees from striking. Critics claim that this is a legal strike. Strikes are not constitutional rights, as courts have long held.

Speaker Mike Johnson (R – LA) and other lawmakers are against this type of behavior. They have demanded that such employees lose their jobs. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in his comments to CNBC on Tuesday morning, does not appear to share the same opinion.

Andrew Sorkin, speaking to the secretary at Davos, spoke about “the clear divide in the U.S. and the rest of the world over how Israel is going about it and the U.S. support, even inside the White House, where members of the government are literally walking out on the job.”

Reading Johnson’s blog, “Any government employee who walks off their job to protest U.S. backing for our ally Israel ignores their responsibility and abuses the trust of taxpayers.” Sorkin then asked Blinken to respond.

“We have-I’m only speaking for the State Department. Since October, we’ve seen a number in the State Department raise questions, express concerns, and criticize policies. These are policies that Israel pursues; they’re also polices that our department is pursuing. The kind of place I would like to live in