Josh Hawley Calls On Biden To Send National Guard To Protect Jewish American Students On Columbia’s Campus

Josh Hawley, a Republican Missouri Senator, sent a letter to President Joe Biden on Monday urging him to deploy National Guard troops to Columbia University’s Columbia University campus to protect Jewish American Students.

The Daily Caller was the first to obtain a copy. In it, Hawley claims that Jewish Americans face danger on college campuses. Hawley mentions specifically how classes at Columbia University were cancelled on Passover because of ongoing protests, which Hawley called an “illegal pro Hamas demonstration.”

Hawley stated that Biden must “immediately mobilize the National Guard”, and other “necessary” authorities to “ensure safety for Jewish American citizens and students.”

In your statement about Passover, it was stated that “in recent days we have seen harassment and calls to violence against Jews.” Hawley wrote that this blatant Antisemitism was reprehensible, dangerous, and had no place in college campuses or anywhere else in the United States.

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Now, you have to take action in order to match these words. Dwight Eisenhower, in 1957, deployed the National Guard, the 101st Airborne Division, and the Arkansas National Guard to Little Rock Central High School to protect black students. I urge you mobilize the National Guard, as well as other authorities necessary to protect Jewish American Students on Columbia University’s campus and any other campus that is at risk. “Never again” means never again, he said.

Hawley had also urged Biden earlier in the day to deploy the National Guard onto the Senate floor.

The White House did not respond immediately when the Caller contacted them about the letter.