White House dodges question on whether ‘assault weapons’ ban will lead to ‘confiscation’

Karine Jean-Pierre, White House Press Secretary, dodged Wednesday’s question about whether President Biden’s “assault weapons ban” will result in the confiscation by law-abiding Americans of millions of semiautomatic rifles.

Biden reiterated Tuesday his support for an “assault weapon” ban. This is after a transgender student aged 28 allegedly shot three 9-year olds and three adults at a Christian school in Nashville, Tennessee on Monday.

Jean-Pierre was asked by her daily press briefing if the president supports “not only banning the sale or the manufacture of semiautomatic weapons but also confiscation.”

The press secretary replied, “Let’s just be very clear.” “What we are talking about, AR15s and this assault weapons ban. They are weapons of war and should not be on the streets in our communities across the country. They shouldn’t be in schools. They shouldn’t be in grocery shops. They shouldn’t be in churches. This is what the president believes and he has done more in the two years since he was appointed to the executive order.

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Jean-Pierre said, “As you all know, government works.” He can only do so much. Now it’s up to Congress to complete the work. He’s happy signing, once that happens, that legislation that states, “OK, we’re gonna remove assault weapons — We’re going to have an assault weapon ban.”

Just a moment before, the reporter asked the press secretary what the president thought about some Republicans who claimed that “25 million” of these devices are in use in homes across America. Therefore, it was impossible to ban them.

Jean-Pierre retorted, “That’s unacceptable.” “That’s what we have to say. It is unacceptable that Republicans say there’s nothing they can do. Many Americans have died in the last year because of their schools, churches, and places of worship. This is just the second year.

She asked Republicans: “What are you going say to the Nashville families who have lost loved ones?” “That we have no other options.”

“The president is not responsible for the ban on assault weapons. Jean-Pierre said that it’s not because Democrats in Congress are responsible. “Republicans in Congress should look in the mirror.”

The White House blames Republicans for not taking action on gun control since Monday’s shooting.

Senator Tom Cotton, R. Ark., attacked Jean-Pierre for blaming Republicans immediately after Monday’s shooting and called it “shameful.”

It doesn’t get any lower than to blame Republicans in Congress for a transgender murderer who targeted a Christian school. Cotton said that it was shameful.

Karine Jean-Pierre doubled the amount of blame she gave Republicans during Wednesday’s briefing by saying that “Republicans need to have some courage.”

“If they had the courage to do so, they would have legislation today banning assault weapons.” She said that’s exactly what they would do today. They refuse to act and show courage. It’s shameful.