ACLU to spend $25 million on November elections, pro-abortion measures

ACLU will back ballot measures that amend state constitutions in order to protect abortion rights in eight states.
The American Civil Liberties Union plans to spend over $25 million in the November elections, focusing on constitutional amendments that support abortion.
Deirdre Shifeling, ACLU’s chief political and advocate officer, said to NBC News that the ACLU will spend the most money ever on elections this year.
Our team at the ACLU is developing a new ability: the ability to be offensive. Schifeling continued, “To not only defend civil rights or civil liberties but to go and win civil right and civil liberty.” By influencing our electoral climate by educating voters on the importance of electing someone who will support civil liberties and rights.
The ACLU supports ballot measures that amend state constitutions in Arizona, Colorado Florida, Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada and New York to protect abortion, as well redistricting reforms in Ohio.
The group will also be focusing on the state legislative races in Georgia and Kansas, Michigan and North Carolina as well as the state Supreme Court elections in Arizona, Michigan and Montana.
The ACLU spent the most money in a single election cycle before this year. It was $16 million. The ACLU created its first federal super-PAC, the ACLU Voter Education Fund. This fund will distribute the funds.
The money will be used for digital advertising, direct mail campaigns, door-todoor canvassing and radio ads.
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