Biden Education Secretary Refuses To Say If He Would Let Boys Fight His Daughter And Undress In Front Of Her

At a hearing on Tuesday, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona refused to answer whether he would allow boys to fight his daughter or strip in front of her.

The administration of President Joe Biden released in April a finalized Rule that extended Title IX protections to include “sexual orientation” as well as “gender identification,” but did not address transgender sportspeople. Cardona declined to answer Burgess Owens’ questions, claiming that he wouldn’t comment on athletics rules his department had not yet proposed.

Owens asked: “Would your daughter be forced to dress in the same bathroom as boys who are also dressing?”

Cardona replied, “I will not comment on rules of athletics that we haven’t proposed.”

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Owens asked Cardona if he could give a “yes” or “no” answer, but he refused to do so. He said ‘he would be happy’ to discuss Title IX.

Owns asked: “If it was reported that your daughter felt uncomfortable with a boy in the presence of a girl in a locker room or bathroom, would your administration consider this to be bigotry or discrimination?”

Cardona refused to answer Owens’ question with a simple “yes” or “no”.

“Girls are now participating in the contact sports of wrestling and boxing. Owens asked: “Would you let your daughter be physically beaten up and fought by a boy calling himself a girl?” “Yes or no.”

Cardona added, “We will be happy to have a discussion with you once we finish our Title IX regulations.”

Biden’s administration is working on a new rule that will prevent schools from imposing “one size fits all” policies that discriminate against transgender sportspeople. Nearly 25 state laws prohibit transgender athletes to compete in female sports.

Cardona stated that the new Title IX regulations provide greater protections to women and all students.

This is the reason why American parents are so concerned about this government. Owens replied, “You cannot answer a simple question that is common sense.” “I will say this. “I know how to protect my daughters.”

The Education Secretary has two children, a daughter and son. Cardona refused to answer repeatedly questions about whether men and women have physical differences at an April hearing.

Andy Harris, a Maryland Republican Representative, asked him: “Do you agree that men and women are physically distinct?”

Cardona replied, “I understand where you are going with this.” The congressman then interrupted him. Harris asked the same question, and Cardona answered again. He added, “I’d love to discuss how we can support students together,” before Harris cut off his response.