Biden Immigration Narrative Debunked Again by Massive Border Bust

The third largest seizure of methamphetamine by border agents in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley section of the U.S. Mexico border was made this week, when they flagged down a tractor trailer for secondary screening. Agents discovered more than 1,400 bottles, which appeared to be Clorox-containing, that were actually filled with liquid methamphetamine. This contraband weighed more than 3,000 lbs.
Customs and Border Protection released a statement stating that the methamphetamine shipment disguised was found at Falfurrias checkpoint on December 8. It has a street worth of more than $100 millions.
Gloria I. Chavez, RGV Sector Chief Patrol Agent, stated that RGV Sector agents are diligent in interdicting vehicles used in drug and human smuggling events. “This historic seizure is an excellent example of our Agents’ efforts to continually impact and degrade Transnational Criminal Organizations, (TCO), exploiting the Rio Grande Valley.”
This seizure is yet another example of what’s happening at the U.S.-Mexico frontier as a result President Biden’s failure to secure and deal with the immigration crisis he has caused. It also debunks his attempts of downplaying the severity of the situation or the dangers his open border have made worse.
Biden claims that illegal immigrants to the United States are not oppressed people fleeing persecution in their homelands — mostly innocent families seeking better lives. Biden stated earlier this fall, that illegal immigrants to the United States at record levels were not fleeing communism.
This is, however, not the whole story. Although there are some asylum seekers, for whom there is already a legal process to seek refuge the United States, the open border allows them and scores of others whose names are on terror watch lists to illegally cross the border. These individuals illegally cross into the U.S. at record rates, including drug and cartel traffickers and tens to thousands of “got-aways”, whose identities are not known.
Surging crime and overdose deaths continue to be a result of the border crisis. Busts such as the Rio Grande methamphetamine bust in Rio Grande prove that Biden’s narrative on who and what is entering the United States is false.
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