Large Majority Of Americans Say They Won’t Vote For Candidates Who Supports Transgender Procedures For Youth: Poll

A poll has shown that over 70% of American voters will not vote for candidates who support gender transitions for minors.

The survey found that nearly 80% of independent voters support minors being able to transition to medically. 43% of Democrats joined Republicans to oppose this candidate.

In a press release, Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States stated that “As with many other election 2022 issues the far left has gone to far in pushing unrestricted Transgender procedure for any child at almost any age without any restrictions,”. Voters, most of them parents, know that this policy is far beyond what common sense requires in a country that restricts entertainment, alcohol consumption, driving, voting, and criminal sentencing for minors.

In late October, more than 1000 likely voters were surveyed by The Trafalgar Group and the Convention of States Action. The voter profile included 39.3% Democrats, 35.6% Republicans and 25.1% unaffiliated voters.

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The poll asked respondents if they would vote for a candidate in 2022’s midterms elections that supports allowing minors to use cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers. 63.3% said no, while 9.4% said they were “somewhat more likely.”

72% of independent and unaffiliated voters who are able to swing elections say they won’t vote for any candidate in 2022 midterm elections who supports minors undergoing medical transition. 70% said they weren’t likely, while 8.4% said they were “somewhat less probable.”

42.7% of Democratic voters stated they would not vote for a candidate who supports the medical transition for minors. 26.2% responded that they were “not probable at all” and 16.5% said they were “somewhat less likely to vote” for such a candidate.

A majority of Republican voters (96.5%) are not likely to vote in a candidate who supports gender transition for minors. 93.2% said they were “not probable at all” while 3.3% said they were “somewhat less likely.”

Meckler stated that “average Americans have a feeling that things are out-of-control and there are no adults present in the room.” Experts will conclude that the midterm elections have seen an unrestricted awakening which has had a significant impact on voting decisions. Citizens demand common-sense, responsible policies on issues. Politicians so obsessed with pandering won’t be able to see this and will have to pay the price.

91% of Hispanics, 72% of Asians and 87% of black voters indicated they would not vote for a candidate in 2022’s midterm election who supports allowing minors access to puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones.

Current polling suggests that the medical transition of minors will be a major issue in the 2022 midterm elections. In a video interview last month with Dylan Mulvaney, a transgender TikToker Dylan Mulvaney, President Biden stated that minors should have full access to all medical services.

The U.S. medical organizations that support the “gender affirming model of care” lack evidence and deviate from an international consensus.

These U.S.-based agencies have not done systematic reviews of evidence while more leftist European countries, like Sweden, Finland and England, have. Health authorities in all three countries reviewed the evidence regarding the use of cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers in treating children with gender dysphoria. They concluded that the benefits outweigh the costs.

A recent poll also found that over 80% of American voters believe the Republicans will win control in one or both of Congress’s chambers after the midterm elections.

Another poll from October revealed that 75% of American voters who have an opinion on the issue think that transgender activists have “gone too far”, encouraging minors to use drugs or undergo surgeries to make themselves look like the opposite. A recent poll revealed that almost 80% of American voters think minors should wait to become adults before they can pursue transgender surgery.