Larry Elder Announces He’s Running For President In 2024

Larry Elder, former Republican California governor and conservative talk show host, announced on Thursday that he would run for the presidency in 2024.

Elder, the host of “The Larry Elder Show,” shot into national prominence in 2021 after he entered California’s recall elections to remove Democratic Governor. Gavin Newsom was removed from office. Gavin Newsom from office.

Elder announced, “I’m running for president of the United States.” “I have a patriotic, religious and moral duty to return to the country that has been so kind to me, my family, and myself.” This is why I’m doing it.”

According to Federal Election Commission documents, Elder has recently made trips to early primary states. It also has a political committee called Elder For America that has raised approximately $1.7 million by 2022.

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Elder said: “I’m pro-life. Don’t believe the idea that America is systematically racially motivated. I want secure borders. I want energy independence. You are urban schools are a catastrophe.”

Elder was the frontrunner in the recall election with 48.4% support and 3.5 million votes. However, 69.1% of voters voted against Newsom’s removal from the governorship.

Tom Tradup is a friend of Elder, vice president of SALEM Radio Network. He told the Daily Caller News Foundation previously that Elder’s campaign against the Governor was “tough” in a state so dominated by Democrats. Tradup praised the success of the host in winning 57 of California’s counties.

Tradup said that “any Republican running for office in California will have a hard time due to the high, high Democratic registration.” “But the rest is going to listen to the message Larry Elder delivers.”

Elder joins the growing GOP field, which includes former South Carolina Governor and former President Donald Trump. Nikki Haley and former Arkansas Governor. Asa Hutchinson, and conservative businessman Vivek Raamswamy.

Tradup said that Tradup truly wanted to move this country forward. “[Americans] have had enough of word-processed and overly lawyered statements, which they then run through a deflavorizer to make sure they don’t offend anyone. “What you get is candidates who are running without a clear message.”

Carlson reported that Elder’s was influenced by his military background and expressed his desire to run for office to serve his country. He also recalled advice from his father.

“Democrats want you to get something for nothing.” Elder said that if you try to get anything for nothing, the result is nothing.