Pelosi: Dems Want Illegal Aliens To Be Citizens, Eligible For Taxpayer Loans For Homes

The former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, has advocated this week that millions of illegal immigrants become U.S. Citizens and be eligible for taxpayer-funded aid for home buying.

Pelosi’s remarks were made during an interview with Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time, which aired Friday. Maher asked Pelosi about a controversial California bill that would allow illegal aliens to receive $150,000 towards the purchase of a home — despite the fact that the state has the highest number of U.S. citizens who are homeless.

She said, “I would like them to be documented.” “Passing comprehensive immigration reform is one of the best things that we can do for our economic growth.”

Pelosi acknowledged that the issue of immigration support is no longer “bipartisan”, ever since Democrats started to weaponize it and sought to recruit voters who they believed would end up voting for Democrats.

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The Dems think the 7 words you can’t say on TV will help them win next month’s special elections for Congress. They don’t have plans to help the average American, but they will do anything to dupe Americans into granting them power once again. Please help New Journey ensure the GOP maintains the majority and expose the left’s new con!

Maher replied, “But no free housing.”

“Well, it’s not housing for free.” Pelosi said, “It’s about making the American Dream more accessible to people.”

She claimed that California is always at the forefront. “Maybe other states will follow this lead, but it’s up these states.” We are blessed with a beautiful diversity.

Maher asked Pelosi if she would vote in favor of the bill.

Pelosi said, “I’m not sure what it is exactly, but we need to make the American Dream of homeownership accessible to everyone, for those who are already here.”

Maher informed her then that only illegal immigrants would benefit from the bill.


Nancy Pelosi stated that the goal of Democrat Party is to convert illegal immigrants into documented immigrants.

Bill Maher says that California lawmakers are giving government aid to undocumented immigrant to purchase houses.

That’s kind of a different place than the…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) August 31, 2024