President Trump Tells National Prayer Breakfast: “America Will Always be One Nation Under God”

The National Prayer Breakfast is a tradition that has been around since 1953. Its goal is to foster bipartisanship among legislators.
Trump said that the United States will remain one nation under God.
The president discussed the fact that his assassination was a catalyst for a greater faith in God for him and his family.
Trump stated, “It changed me.” “I feel stronger about God. “I feel. I feel stronger. “I still believe in God but now I feel more strongly; I’m convinced.”
Trump concluded, “God was watching my every move.”
Trump quoted Galatians 6 : 9: “And do not become weary in doing good. For we will reap in due time, if you don’t give up.”
“Today we must protect fundamental freedoms with absolute devotion. “We must stand firm, just as generations of Americans did on battlefields around the globe,” he said.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, the first president, attended the prayer breakfast in February 1953. Since then, every president has spoken at this gathering.
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