Pro-life demonstrators brave DC snow for 2024 March for Life

The annual March for Life brought together thousands of pro-life protesters in Washington, D.C. to support the unborn.
The activists were not bothered by the snow and freezing temperatures that swept through Washington, D.C. They gathered at the National Mall to hold a rally in advance of the planned march from the U.S. Capitol building to the Supreme Court building. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La) was among the U.S. legislators who attended. Celebrities, faith leaders and prominent figures from the pro-life movement spoke to the crowd about an hour prior to the march.
According to a National Park Service permit, organizers of March for Life expected 100,000 people to march and 50,000 to rally. The stormy weather may have contributed to a lower turnout than in previous years.
Speaker Johnson said that now is the time for all mothers who face unplanned pregnancy to get involved with foster care and help adoptive families, volunteer at our vital pregnancy resource center in our maternity home and speak truthfully and compassionately.
This is also an important time to promote high-quality health care, both for women and their unborn babies.
In 1973, a group 30 pro-life leaders organized a protest to protest the Supreme Court’s legalization of abortion in Roe v. Wade. After a half century of marches, and legal challenges by the prolife movement, two years ago the court overturned the precedent it had set and ended federal protections against abortion.
The second March for Life is being held on Friday, two years after the landmark decision that returned abortion to the state legislatures. Dobbs V. Jackson Women’s Health Organization returned the abortion laws to the states. Since then, 14 states have banned abortions throughout pregnancy. Due to court rulings, two more states have put such bans on ice. Two more bans are in effect as soon as a fetal pulse can be detected. This is usually around six weeks after conception, and often before the woman knows she’s pregnant.
In Ohio, Kansas, and Kentucky too, abortion restrictions lost in the polls. Total bans on abortion have also produced high-profile issues around which abortion rights supporters can rally. Kate Cox, Texas mother of two sought an abortion when she learned that the baby in her womb had a fatal condition. The state Supreme Court denied her request to be exempted from Texas’ strict abortion ban. She left Texas and sought an abortion elsewhere.
March for Life speakers encouraged the crowd to keep pushing for abortion restrictions, until it is “unthinkable,” to kill a child in the womb. Speakers included Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Jim Daly, president and CEO of Focus on the Family, Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship, and University of Michigan Football Coach Jim Harbaugh who recently led the Wolverines in a national championship.
Benjamin Watson, former NFL tight end and pro-life activist, said: “Roe has been done, but our culture still doesn’t know how to respect life.” “Roe has been done, but factors that cause women to have abortions are increasing and becoming more evident.” Roe has been done, but abortion remains legal and flourishing in many parts of America.
The pro-choice movement has been energized by the national debate on abortion rights that is now being fought at state legislatures. Democrats are trying to turn the 2020 election into a referendum on abortion rights.
CBS News reports that the Biden campaign will run ads to commemorate the anniversary Roe v. Wade. The ads will tie the election to “a woman’s right to choose her own health care,” including the possibility of a MAGA Republican led national abortion ban.
The report stated that Biden would hold a rally for his campaign in Northern Virginia on Jan. 23, which will be centered around attempts to restrict abortion rights in Virginia and other States since Roe v. Wade has been overturned.
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