Walgreens, CVS Will Sell Abortion Pill That Has Killed Millions of Babies

The abortion drug has been used to kill millions of babies and is now available at CVS and Walgreens.

Pro-life leaders are expected to call for boycotts of major companies until they cease selling dangerous abortion pills.

The Biden administration yesterday decided to allow pharmacies the sale of the deadly abortion drug, which has already killed millions of babies and left thousands of women with life-threatening injuries. Previously, mifepristone was only available in hospitals, clinics and medical offices.

More information about the decision of the two drug shops to start selling the abortion pill is available here:

George Soros’ Goons came to my District
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George Soros’ Goons came to my District

George Soros sent his goons into my district to hold a fake townhall meeting. This is Rep. Jack Bergman. They didn’t invite me, but they used an empty chair as a prop while they attacked my support for DOGE and America First policies. If you’re tired of Soros-funded leftists attempting to sabotage America’s future, then please help me keep up the fight in Congress.

Two of the most prominent U.S. pharmacies, CVS and Walgreens, will offer abortion pills after Tuesday’s announcement by the Food and Drug Administration that retail pharmacies will be allowed to sell the drug. The companies spoke to Axios.

Walgreens spokesperson stated that the company is working to “become a certified pharmacy” and was the first national pharmacy chain in this area to announce such an announcement.

The Walgreens spokesperson said that they are currently working on the registration and training of their pharmacists. They also evaluated our pharmacy network to determine where they normally dispense products that meet extra FDA requirements.

A spokesperson for CVS told Axios shortly after Walgreen’s statement was made public that the company intends to “request certification to dispense Mifepristone wherever legally permissible.”

ACTION ALERT: Call Walgreens or CVS to let them know that you will boycott their stores until the abortion pill is no longer sold.

The New York Times has more information about the FDA’s decision to allow sales

A Tuesday regulatory change by the Food and Drug Administration will allow retail pharmacies to sell abortion pills in the United States for the first time. This could greatly expand the availability of medication-assisted abortion.

Mifepristone, the first of the two-drug abortion pills, could only be dispensed by a handful of mail-order pharmacies and by doctors or clinics that have been certified to do so. The new F.D.A. The new F.D.A. rules require that patients still have a prescription from a licensed health care provider. However, any pharmacy that accepts prescriptions and adheres to certain criteria can dispense the pills in its stores or by mail order.

F.D.A. The F.D.A. did not make an announcement, but it planned to update their website to reflect this decision. GenBioPro and Danco Laboratories, the two pill makers, issued statements stating that the agency had informed them.

FDA has already removed the requirement that a doctor visit be required in order to obtain an abortion pill. This is because women can die from taking the pill in certain situations, such as an ectopic pregnancy. Customers will now be able to order the abortion pill via telephone conference. This will allow them to avoid major complications or death.

A watchdog group sued the Biden administration in November for information regarding its decision to increase the use of the deadly abortion drug mifepristone.

Judicial Watch is suing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for repeatedly refusing to provide records requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

The group requested documentation about the recent research and testing on the abortion drug mifepristone as well as correspondence between HHS, the drug manufacturers, DANCO, and GenBio. The Biden administration allowed abortion groups to send the drug by mail in December 2021 without direct patient contact.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, stated that they believe Biden officials failed to properly review evidence regarding the abortion drug prior to expanding its use last fiscal year.

Fitton stated that it was outrageous that Judicial Watch had to sue federal court for safety information about the abortion pill. Fitton added,

Judicial Watch made three requests for information to the Biden administration in February, but did not receive a response. According to the lawsuit

Fitton stated that women are the most entitled to find out if the abortion drug works as well as their proponents say.

Fox News reported that the Biden administration wanted the pill to be widely accessible. He said that anything that could threaten that agenda would be kept secret. American women should have access to as much information about the safety and effectiveness of the pill as possible, if it is as important as the Biden administration believes.

Mifepristone was first approved by the Clinton administration. It is used to terminate unborn babies for up to 10 weeks. However, some abortion groups would prefer to use it later. It blocks the hormone progesterone, effectively starving the unborn child to death. Abortion groups often prescribe misoprostol to induce labor and expel the baby from his body.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, Mifepristone accounts for more than half the abortions in America. The drug was responsible in 2020 for 54% of all abortion deaths among unborn babies, compared to 39% in 2017.

Research is growing that the drug is unsafe for mothers.

The FDA in the United States has linked mifepristone between 2000-2018 to at least 26 deaths of women and 4,000 serious complications. The FDA has stopped reporting non-fatal mifepristone complications under President Barack Obama. These numbers are almost certain to be much higher.

Research shows that the risks are much greater than abortion activists claim. As many as one in seventeen women will need hospital treatment. The Charlotte Lozier Institute recently found that abortion-related emergency rooms visits among women who have taken the abortion drug rose by more than 500% between 2002 and 2015.

New investigations in England have revealed a significant increase in ambulance calls as well as reports of abuse and coercion. England was the first country to allow mail-order abortion drugs. Late-term babies were also reported to have been born alive at home due to mail-order abortion drugs. This was because their mothers didn’t realize how advanced they were.

Doctors warn that mail-order abortions can lead to life-threatening complications. Aleteia was recently told by Dr. Christina Francis of American Association of Pro-Life OB-GYNs that a woman might take abortion drugs while having an undiagnosed ectopic pregnancies and mistake warning signs for abortion.

“I can tell from you.”