Biden to end familial DNA testing at border, key deterrent to fraud and child trafficking

According to a memo obtained just The News, the Biden administration will end the family DNA testing along the US-Mexico Border, which was key in preventing fraudulent entry by many illegal immigrants, and reducing child trafficking.

Customs Border Protection began using DNA testing during the Trump era, following a court ruling regarding the separation of migrants children from their parents and evidence that drug cartels used children to form fake family units in order to sneak illegal immigrants over the border.

CBP sent a memo to border agents over the weekend stating that the testing would cease once the vendor contract expires in this month.

The memo states that “the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) contract for familial DNA with BODE Technologies ends on May 31, 2023 and will include all DNA testing on this date.”

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LEAKED MEMO_Redacted.pdf

The memo states that the FBI is responsible for “booking” DNA collections. It also says that the expiration of BODE’s contract does not affect the CODIS program (Combined DNA Index System), which will continue “uninterrupted.”

CBP has detected numerous family fraud attempts over the years. A report by the Government Accountability Office in 2022 found that 1 out of 10 children tested were not related to illegal aliens crossing with them.

According to other reports, up to 30% of families suspected of migrant fraud had no family ties whatsoever.

This is an evolving story.