China’s payments to Hunter Biden raised red flags with bank during the Obama years

Bank investigators flagged a $3 million payment from a Chinese firm to Hunter Biden’s law office as “erratic”, “unusual”, and possibly evidence of an influence peddling scheme.

House lawmakers believe that some of the funds questioned ended up in Biden’s account.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee released an email sent by an investigator from an unidentified financial institution in 2018. The committee is investigating whether Mr. Biden assisted his son or other members of his family in securing lucrative business deals with foreign countries while he served as vice president.

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, demanded on Tuesday that the son of the president be heard in public, rather than testifying behind closed doors under subpoena at a House hearing scheduled for next week.

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Mr. Lowell claimed that the panel was targeting Hunter Biden to serve political ends. Even the banks, according to lawmakers, were suspicious about Hunter Biden’s dealings with foreign companies and suspected an influence-peddling plan.

James Comer (Kentucky Republican) said that a bank investigator who was investigating money laundering raised the same concerns we had raised about the Biden Family Business. This was long before the committee’s investigation into the corruption of President Biden.

Mr. Biden denies taking part in the business dealings of his family or receiving money from them.

Investigators at the House have found two checks written out to Mr. Biden by his younger brother James Biden, after James and Hunter Biden had secured large loans. One of these loans was from China’s CEFC, and its affiliated company, Northern International Capital Holdings.

An email sent by bank investigators on June 26, 2018 flags money transfers originating from a loan of $5 million provided to Hunter Biden in August 2017 from Northern International Capital Holdings.

His father was at the time a former vice-president.

Investigators from the banks said that a large part of the $5 million in payments was made to the Owasco PC, the law firm of Hunter Biden. In an email, bank investigators revealed that payments to Owasco of $2.9 million totaled 16 wire transfers, ranging in value from $157.494.19 up to $400,000.

Hunter Biden and a Chinese partner set up a phony company called Hudson West III LLC to receive the money.

Investigators at the bank were suspicious of the wire payments to Owasco, which were listed as reimbursements and management fees. Hunter Biden was labelled a “politically-exposed person” by the bank. This is a government designation that accounts holders may present a higher risk than others due to their access to funds which could be proceeds of corruption or illicit activity.

Investigators also asked why the money had been sent to Hudson West III, and what services Owasco offered.

A bank investigator wrote: “It has been previously stated that Hudson West III LLC currently does not have any investment project at this time. This raises further concern as millions of fees have been paid, but it does not appear that Owasco PC is rendering any services.”

Mr. Comer suspects that President Biden may have collected some of the funds.

Hunter Biden, a little over a week after Northern International had provided the loan of $5 million, transferred $150,000 to Owasco P.C. on Aug. 14, 2017. Hunter Biden transferred $150,000 from Owasco P.C. to the Lion Hall Group’s nearly empty bank account, owned by James Biden and Sarah Biden.

Sara Biden (the president’s in-law) deposited $50,000 into her personal account on August 28, 2017. The balance of their personal account was $46.78 before the deposit.

Sara Biden signed and wrote the check for $40,000 to the former Vice President on Sept. 3, 2017.

Investigators at the House of Representatives have said that evidence given by IRS whistleblowers, who accused Hunter Biden and his father of tax fraud, shows he used their powerful father to get CEFC to give him the $5 million loan via its affiliate Northern Capital.

Hunter Biden, in a WhatsApp message sent to CEFC’s Raymond Zhao on July 30, 2017, invoked his dad to threaten the company with dire consequences if the company did not pay the $10 million original demand. Whistleblowers gave the message to House Investigators.

Hunter Biden wrote to Mr. Zhao: “I’m sitting here with my dad and we want to know why the promise made hasn’t been kept.”

Hunter Biden, in a further demand for payment to be expedited said: “I’ll make sure that between the man next to me, and everyone he knows, and my ability of forever holding a grudge, you will regret not taking my direction.”

James and Hunter Biden’s business relationship with CEFC began when Mr. Biden served as vice president under the Obama administration, according to records and testimony. Former business associate Tony Bobulinki stated that they did not accept any payments until Mr. Biden had left office in order to avoid an appearance of corruption.

The bank investigators stated that “negative news” regarding Hunter Biden’s behavior at the time the wire transfer occurred raised additional concerns.

The article cited Kathleen’s allegations about “his extravagant expenditure on his own interest (drugs and strip clubs, prostitution, etc.). This could put his family into a financial mess.

Investigators at the bank cited reports that China could be buying political influence through sweetheart agreements by targeting children of politicians.

They cited a $1.5billion deal between China, Hunter Biden and a private equity company that would invest in Chinese companies and earn “huge fees” through the management of funds.

Bank investigators wrote: “This activity appears to be unusual, with no apparent business purpose. Recent negative news may also require a reevaluation of the relationship between the bank and the customer.”