Democrats roll out $100 million plan to win back the House on abortion rights

The House Majority PAC has launched a $100-million campaign focusing on abortion to regain a Democratic majority at the House of Representatives in November.

The Reproductive Freedom Accountability fund of the PAC will not only be used to motivate voter turnout in swing district, but also in districts where there are no competitive races for the Senate or the presidential elections, such as New York, California and Washington.

A PAC spokesperson stated in a memo published Wednesday that “the success” of ballot measures from deep-red Kansas, to blue states with abortion protections, and the special election held in NY-03 in February proves that abortion rights is a winning issue heading into the November elections.

After Roe v. Wade, which overturned federal protections against abortion in June 2022 and removed them in July 2022, the issue of access to abortions and birth control was brought into focus. The battle over abortion rights, hailed by the GOP for being a victory in favor of human life has now returned to the state level. The Democratic Party is using the issue to encourage voters to go to the polls in this election. The issue of abortion rights is on the ballot in all 50 states, including swing states like Arizona and Nevada.

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The Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC which supports Republicans, has invested $22 million to defend GOP gains in 2022. The CLF responded Wednesday to the announcement of its rival.

The Washington Examiner quoted CLF president Dan Conston as saying: “With voters rejecting Democrats in almost every area, this is the only strategy they have.”

Conston said, “In blue-states where abortion is legalized, Republican candidates are able to clearly and empathically communicate that this is a settled state law and issue.”

The Reproductive Freedom Accountability fund of the House Majority PAC does not just target Republicans when it comes to abortion. The memo released recently repeatedly criticizes the GOP’s attempts to ban in vitro fertilisation and birth control.

IVF is a process in which sperm, eggs and other components are combined in a laboratory to create embryos. These are then implanted into the uterus. In the IVF procedure, extra embryos are often created. While most of them are frozen and stored, others are thrown away or destroyed. As many as 1,5 million embryos are frozen in the United States due to IVF.

In February, the embryos of an Alabama couple were accidentally destroyed at a fertility center while they were undergoing IVF. The couple filed a lawsuit, and the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos were human. This decision had consequences for IVF centers, as they were held liable for any destroyed or discarded eggs.

Republicans support IVF in a responsible manner that protects embryos, despite the fact that the Left has criticized the Alabama ruling as being anti-IVF.

Earlier this week, Sen. Ted Cruz and Katie Britt led the Senate GOP to introduce legislation that would prevent states from receiving Medicaid funds if they ban IVF. Cruz stated in a press statement for the IVF Protection Act that the practice should “fully protected” at the federal government level.

The House Majority PAC reserved more than $186 million of initial television and digital reservation in this election cycle. Meanwhile, the CLF reserved $141 millions for TV, streaming and digital platforms. Both PACs broke spending records in this election cycle.