Jill Biden blasts Haley’s proposed competency test for politicians over age 75

Jill Biden, first lady, slammed Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley for suggesting that politicians over 75 should take mental competency tests.
In an interview that will air Monday, CNN White House correspondent Arlette Sassez asked Biden about Haley’s proposal.
“Ridiculous,” Biden replied.
Saenz inquired if President Biden would undergo a mental competency exam. The first lady responded: “I mean we haven’t even discussed… we would never even consider something like that.”
Haley, who was a former governor of South Carolina and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, launched her 2024 presidential campaign last week. During her speech, she called for mandatory mental competency testing for all elderly politicians.
Haley stated that “In America I see, the permanent political will finally retire,” at the time. “Term limits will be established for Congress, and there will be mandatory mental competency tests for all politicians over 75 years of age.”
These comments were taken as a dig at President Biden (80) and former President Trump (76), who are both seen as leading presidential candidates in each of their respective parties. However, Biden has not yet announced his reelection candidacy.
Jill Biden is joining a host of prominent figures who have opposed Haley’s proposal. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), 81, also called the idea “absurd.”
Sanders stated that “We are fighting racism”, “We’re fighting sexism,” “We’re fighting homophobia”, and “Face the Nation” last month.
Another CBS interview with Mike Pence, former Vice President Mike, 63, revealed that voters can decide for themselves whether age is a factor in elections.
During the interview, Pence stated that he believed the American people could solve this problem. “It’s a long, unbroken history that this country has shown time and again the wisdom, common sense, and judgment of the American people.”
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