New Report Shows Extensive Biden Admin Collusion to Classify Parents as Terrorists

The Select Subcommittee on the Warization of the Federal Government and the House Judiciary Committee have released a new report that shows extensive collusion between the Biden Administration and the National School Board Association.
This partnership was formed when the group wrote a letter asking the Department of Justice for a classification of parents as domestic terrorists. Attorney General Merrick Garland was also requested to use the Patriot Act, which was created after the attacks on September 11, 2001, to pursue parents who criticize school lockdowns and other controversial issues such as critical race theory or inappropriate sexual content.
According to “Internal Executive Branch documents, the Biden Administration’s use federal law-enforcement resources and counterterrorism resources against terrorists is an example government weaponization of American parents.” The Justice Department would have done its due diligence before issuing the Attorney General’s memorandum. This would have made it clear and insistent that no federal intervention was necessary. The report says that parents across the country were subject to FBI “assessments” because they did not perform due diligence. This was due to political motives and not law-enforcement.
As the Committee continues its investigation, this interim report provides a timeline of how the NSBA collaborated with DOJ, Department of Education, and the White House in pushing for federal law enforcement investigations into parents.
“The NSBA worked with the Biden White House in the development of the language for the NSBA’s September 29, 2021, letter to President Biden urging federal law enforcement and counterterrorism instruments against parents. According to the report, the NSBA shared its draft language with the White House. The White House apparently did not have any concerns about the mention of counterterrorism tools or inclusion of the Patriot Act. Five days after the NSBA’s letter to President Biden on October 4, Attorney General Garland issued a memo that included federal law enforcement in local school board meetings. Attorney General Garland created a task force, including the Department’s National Security Division with responsibility for enforcing federal antiterrorism statutes. He also highlighted the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center as a snitch line for tips about parents at school boards meetings.
The NSBA issued an apology after the letter was made public. Many school districts dropped the association. Garland denied any wrongdoing during testimony on Capitol Hill.
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