Republicans to hold FBI Director Wray in contempt of Congress over Biden document

James Comer, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, is taking action to hold FBI director Christopher Wray in contempt after the Bureau informed the panel that it would not comply with the subpoena relating to a potential criminal scheme involving former Vice President Joe Biden.

The FBI said, however, that it is still committed to working with Congress and will make the document available “in a way and format which maintains confidentiality, protects important security concerns, and ensures the integrity of FBI investigation.”

Comer, R. Ky., subpoenaed a document from the FBI that, according to him, describes a criminal plot involving Biden, a foreign national, and money exchanged for policy decisions. The document is a FD-1023 FBI form.

Comer subpoenaed this document for the first time earlier in the month. The FBI refused to turn over the document, explaining that they needed to protect their confidential human sources program.

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Comer gave Wray another deadline to submit the document last week. He gave him until Tuesday, 30 May. Wray and Comer set up a meeting on Wednesday, May 31, after the deadline had been set.

The FBI informed the panel that it would not be able to provide the document by Tuesday afternoon.

Comer announced Tuesday that the FBI had informed the Committee it would not be providing the unclassified document subpoenaed to by the Committee. Comer said Tuesday that the FBI’s decision “to stiff-arm Congress, and hide this information from American citizens is obstructionist and inacceptable.”

Comer stated that “While I will be calling FBI Director Wray to discuss further his response tomorrow, the Committee is clear about its intention to protect Congressional oversight authority and now intends to take steps to hold him in contempt of Congress because he refused to comply with a legal subpoena.”

The Oversight Committee, he said, will continue to insist on transparency from the nation’s top law enforcement agency.

The FBI responded by telling Fox News Digital it “remains dedicated to cooperating in good faith with the Committee.”

The FBI stated that “in a letter sent to Chairman Comer today, the FBI pledged to provide access to information responsive the Committee’s Subpoena on a confidential basis and in a manner and format which protects the integrity of FBI investigation and important security interests.” “Last Week, Director Wray set up a phone call for tomorrow in order to give additional details about the FBI’s extraordinary accommodations to satisfy the subpoena demand.”

The FBI said: “Any discussion about escalation in these circumstances is not necessary.”

A whistleblower contacted Comer and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and claimed that the FBI, Justice Department and other agencies held the document. The document would provide “a detailed description of the alleged criminal plot as well as the purpose of the scheme.”

Grassley said to Fox News Digital that he and Comer had been “more than patient” with the FBI. “Consequences will follow if the bureau fails to meet our constitutional oversight duties.”

Grassley continued: “I’m hoping to hear a new tune tomorrow from Director Wray, but if I don’t, Congress will have to defend its prerogatives in terms of oversight.” The American people deserve a government that is accountable.”

Comer tried to “narrow” the scope of the subpoena last week in response to FBI criticisms. The committee then determined “additional term(s) based on legally protected unclassified whistleblower disclosures” that could be referenced in FD-1023. These terms included “June 30 2020” and “five millions.”

Comer and Grassley notified Wray, Attorney General Merrick Garrland and the Department of Justice this month that “legally protected whistleblower disclosures” were highly credible and unclassified.

Comer and Grassley stated that based on the “alleged specificity in the document”, it appears that the DOJ has enough information to determine whether the information is accurate and true.

The FBI’s mission statement is to protect Americans. The FBI stated in a press release that releasing confidential source information may jeopardize investigations or put lives at danger. The FBI is committed to continuing its cooperation with Congress in this and other matters.

The White House maintains that President Biden never discussed his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings with him and did not take part in them. Officials say that the president never spoke to the Justice Department about investigations of members of his own family.