Russian military aircraft intercepted over Alaska ADIZ in ‘routine’ incident, NORAD says

On Monday, four Russian aircraft were intercepted by NORAD over Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone. It was a “routine” incident.

NORAD dispatched two F-16 fighter aircraft to intercept the Russian aircraft. They included a TU-95BEARH-H fighter jet and SU-35 fighter plane.

NORAD also sent two F-35A fighters, a E-3 Sentry and two KC-135 Stratotankers as assistance.

“Russian aircraft did not enter American sovereign airspace, but remained in international aviation space.” “This Russian activity in North American ADIZ is regular and is not considered a threat nor provocative,” NORAD stated in a statement Tuesday.

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Kamala’s Bank Funnels money to Terrorists

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Since 2007, Russian aircraft have been intercepted by the North American ADIZ six- to seven times per year.

Two Russian maritime patrol planes were detected off the coasts Canada and Alaska in September. A Russian surveillance aircraft entered the Alaska ADIZ on August.

This latest incursion occurs amid increasing tensions between Russia, the West and the West regarding the war in Ukraine. Defense officials claim that two F-35s from the Netherlands intercepted Russian military aircraft in Polish airspace Monday.

Officials say that the detection of Russian aircraft Monday is not connected to two unidentified objects that NORAD shot down last week. One was in northeastern Alaska on Friday, and one was over Canada’s Yukon Territory on Saturday.