Tax Documents: U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Turns to Soros-Funded Groups and Democrats to Keep Dwindling Operations Alive

The tax documents of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, and a major foundation that is funded by billionaire leftist George Soros, show how the organization which purports represent the U.S. Business Community has shifted to the left over the past few years.
Public filings show that the Tides Foundation, which is funded by Soros, has donated more than $12,000,000 to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation in the five years between 2018 and 2022. In 2018, Tides Foundation donated $450,000 to the Chamber Foundation. Tides Foundation gave $1,450,000 to the Chamber group in 2019. Tides gave $100,000 more in 2020. Then, $10 million in 2021, and $175,885 again in 2022. This totals $12175,885 over a period of five years.
The Tides Foundation receives funding from a wide range of leftist donors, including Soros and his family.
A former Chamber consultant said to Breitbart that “God knows” what the Tides Foundation promised in exchange for such a large contribution. George Soros does not write checks of this size without expecting a return.
According to the 2022 tax documents that the organization has just filed, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s revenue dropped dramatically during this time period, specifically between 2021 and 2022. The documents show that the revenue for the organization was $53,612,150 in 2021. In 2022, the IRS 990 form shows it to be $30,634,307. This is a revenue drop of about 42 percent or $22,977.843.
The tax documents for 2022 show that Suzanne Clark, who is the director and CEO of U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and also the President and Chief Executive Officer of U.S. Chamber of Commerce, made $6,326,094 or just over $125,000 per week from the U.S. Chamber Foundation.
Former Chamber employee Breitbart reported that “Is Susie Clark worth $100k per week to represent the business community?”
Markham Group, LLC, an event planning company based in Little Rock, Arkansas, was the biggest vendor for the U.S. Chamber Foundation’s 2022 tax returns. The IRS document shows that the U.S. Chamber Foundation paid Markham Group $5,193,837 for 2022, which is far higher than any other vendor.
Markham Group is a company that has a reputation for being extremely well connected with Democrats. Its website features videos and photos of events that it has helped to organize with top Democrats, including Democrat President Joe Biden. First lady Dr. Jill Biden. California Governor. Gavin Newsom is joined by former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg was also present, as well as former Biden White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain.
Greg Hale is the founding partner of Markham Group. He has been in and around Clinton family politics for many decades. He was Hillary Clinton’s campaign director in 2016, which led to a glowing New York Times profile that appeared just weeks before the now-former President Donald Trump beat her in that year’s election.
The Chamber Foundation’s employment of the Markham Group also isn’t a secret. Hale spoke about his involvement in the Chamber Foundation’s event productions during an interview with the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. He also listed other clients on the radical left with whom he has worked.
Hale told the local paper that “most of our work involves passionate things we believe in.”
We worked on March for Our Lives rallys across the country just a few short weeks ago. Bloomberg and Everytown are both good clients that do great work. The Walton Family Foundation is also doing good work to help people. Hiring Our Heroes is the U.S. Chamber Foundation and we work on rallies across the country to bring veterans and potential employers together. It’s a rewarding job.
Hiring Our Heroes is an annual program of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation that aims to match U.S. military personnel, veterans, and their spouses with employers. It is admirable that the Chamber Foundation helps military families and veterans find employment opportunities. But that’s not what matters. The Chamber Foundation could hire anyone. There are thousands, if not hundreds of event production companies that exist in America. They aren’t run by leftist Democrats like Hale. The Chamber Foundation chose to work with this company, even though the funding sources changed and it began receiving millions of dollars from leftist groups.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s and its affiliated foundation’s operations are also relevant, given that Biden used the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s endorsement of the failed Senate Immigration Deal from Sen. James Lankford(R-OK) as proof that it had Republican backing in his recent State of the Union Address.
The Border Patrol Union has endorsed this Bill. Biden stated in his State of the Union speech that the federal Chamber of Commerce had endorsed this bill before he got into a shouting contest with Republicans in the U.S. House Chamber.
Trump has ripped the Senate immigration deal. In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News at Mar-a-Lago, he said that it “would have exacerbated” border crisis created by Biden.
The fact that Biden uses the Chamber of Commerce to support his bid for a second-term in his State of the Union Address begs the serious question of whether the Chamber is not completely allied with the Democrats. The tax documents confirm that the Chamber’s affiliated foundation has indeed done this.
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