Trump Basks in Frontrunner Status

Breitbart News reported exclusively that former President Donald Trump said he was “honored,” to be the frontrunner in the presidential race of 2024.

Trump has experienced a huge surge in support in the GOP primaries and general elections in recent weeks, following his New York City arraignment after being indicted.

When asked to explain why he believes he has become the frontrunner, Trump replied: “Well I’m honored.” “Unfortunately, I must say that part of the reason is because our country is doing so badly. I wish there were other reasons. Now that they’ve seen how well we did, they are shocked at the poor performance of their country. Nobody respects us. You’re fighting wars everywhere. If I was president, Ukraine and Russia would never have happened — no chance. Taiwan is likely to be a part of China’s future. This never would have occurred. Inflation would never have occurred. The energy prices were the main cause. Many of these were self-imposed stupid mistakes, mistakes that no one has ever seen. In almost all polls, I am in the lead. Texas has just come in, and we are almost 50 points ahead in Texas. “Now, Massachusetts is nearly 50 points.”

The indictment of Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and the intense focus on his arraignment has only served to fuel Trump’s rise.

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Two YouGov polls conducted after the indictment nationally showed Trump ahead of Democrat president Joe Biden. A Rasmussen Reports poll also showed Trump increasing his lead over Biden to 7 percent.

Trump’s surge during the GOP primary is even more dramatic. In every state polled after the indictment, Trump has been leading all others. He has a double-digit lead and majority support both in head-to-head matches and in crowded field.

In Iowa, Trump is ahead of Florida Gov. The latest Victory Insights survey, conducted from April 10 through April 13, showed Ron DeSantis leading by 30 percent. In a poll of 400 Iowa caucus attendees who are likely to participate in 2024, Trump received 54 percent while DeSantis was at only 24 percent. Nikki Haley, the former United States ambassador to United Nations, was at 14 per cent. Everyone else was below 10 percent.

In the latest Saint Anselm College survey, Trump is ahead of DeSantis in New Hampshire by 13 percent. This poll was taken between March 28 and March 30. Trump is at 42 percent. DeSantis is at 29 percent. New Hampshire Governor. Chris Sununu is at 14 percent and everyone else is in single digits.

According to the most recent University of Georgia poll of 983 likely Georgia voters, conducted between April 2 and April 12, Trump is ahead of DeSantis in Georgia by 21 percent. This poll shows Trump with a majority in Georgia, at 51 percent. DeSantis has a 30 percent lead.

Trump said that he was not surprised by the Georgia poll when he spoke to Breitbart News.

“I have always said that Georgia was a red-state,” Trump said. “Georgia’s not a blue or purple state. Georgia is a state of red. It’s red, red, red.”

Trump is even further ahead in Kentucky. Trump’s 62 percent outranks DeSantis’s 23 percent, by an incredible 39 points. This survey was conducted by Emerson College between April 10 and April 11 among 900 Kentucky likely voters.

Trump’s lead in Massachusetts, Texas and Pennsylvania is similar to that in South Carolina, Utah and Florida, where DeSantis was just elected governor. Trump lives permanently in Florida at his Mar-a-Lago Resort in Palm Beach.

Trump is the clear frontrunner of the Republican Party in national surveys. He has a double-digit lead over everyone else.

Trump basks in his position as the undisputed frontrunner in the GOP race for the White House. He is also racking up endorsements from key figures to ensure a united GOP backing for his campaign. Trump received the support of Ted Budd, a freshman senator from North Carolina. This endorsement came just hours before the interview.

Trump then flew from here to Nashville, Tennessee where he gave the keynote speech at a Republican National Committee gathering (RNC), and received the endorsement of Sen. Bill Hagerty, R-TN.

Trump told Breitbart News that the number of party endorsements and Trump’s 2024 campaign are increasing rapidly.

Trump was also pleased to win the support of Rep. Byron Donalds, a move which shocked many political analysts given Donalds’s close association with DeSantis. Trump said to Breitbart News that it was a great endorsement, as Donalds is close to DeSantis. This was one of several nicknames Trump developed for the potential intra-party rival for the White House next year. Donalds’ endorsement of Trump over DeSantis is a big deal because Donalds and DeSantis are very close, and their wives have a similar relationship. DeSantis even appointed Donalds wife Erika to the state board. Donalds introduced DeSantis to his election night party in November 2022, which made the endorsement by Trump even more painful.

Trump told Breitbart News the recent endorsements — the interview was conducted just after the Budd and Hagerty endorsements — are signs that the party is quickly uniting behind his campaign for 2024, as other candidates or actual contenders struggle to gain traction.

“I believe so.” Trump said, “I think the party has a very strong unity.” I also think that they are looking at the polls and saying ‘wow that’s impressive. But we’re ahead by such a large margin and they can see that. I think that people are looking back at those four years. We had a great four years, then the COVID gift from China hit us. It was terrible to have to deal with it. We did an amazing job, reconstructed the economy and handed over a stock exchange that was higher before COVID. The people look back at the first two-and-a half years before COVID — or the China virus, as I refer to it. It’s the first time in our history that anything similar has happened. “We can do it again and I believe we can even do it better again.”