European countries are building border walls

Building wall border walls is an evil capitalist pig thing that is racist, sexist and heteronormative.
You are American, at least. Everyone else thinks it’s a great idea and that illegal immigrants should move to Mexico to enter the United States.
Donald Trump was a famous supporter of border walls. This made them an extremely evil thing for right-thinking people. Like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious bad. They look orange when they rust. Orange is the color for evil.
However, somewhere along the line, the unpleasant experience of being infiltrated by unwelcome, very costly squatters influenced the behavior of European countries. Slowly but surely, Europe is coming to accept that border walls are an evil.
They are a necessity, but I admit they can be an evil. They are not useful and can cause eyesores. In a more compassionate world, it would be better for people and goods to flow freely without hard borders. While Utopians may claim that borders are artificially created by humans are correct, they will still exist in some form or another until the end.
They have their upsides. Ask anyone-say migrants desperate to cross the southern border – which side would they choose to live on and the answer will be universal and emphatic. This imaginary line is important because it represents something very real, very important.
They differ greatly in many ways: countries, cultures, laws and economies, tax rates and crime rates, as well as their laws. You must protect what you consider valuable.
This is where borders and fences come in.
Europe is being haunted by the specter of wall construction. Three decades after the fall Berlin Wall, the question is resurrected: Should the European Union build barriers to protect its borders?
It is already doing this, in fact. In the past eight years, member states have constructed more than 1,700 km of walls to defend themselves against soldiers or tanks but also against migrants and refugees. Who pays for all this? European funds should finance barriers made of steel, cement and razor wire just as they finance radars and drones. Although the debate is heated, the conclusions of last week’s European Council meeting on February 9 suggest that those who support a draconian approach have gained ground.
Spain, Germany, the European Commission and other countries are opposed to using EU money to build new walls. They believe there are better ways to stop irregular immigration. The Visegrad group, which includes the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Hungary, and is supported by Italy and Greece, argues in favor of closing doors. It is based on domestic logic. The issue is not so much about Europe’s future direction in dealing with the crisis of migration, but rather where it is going to continue to implement tougher policies. Everything points to the positive at this point.
You would expect that Germany would reconsider its immigration policies after seeing how disastrous it has been. However, the bloody-mindedness and incompetence of their leadership seem to make it difficult. Look at their nuclear power policies.
They are closing their 3 last nuclear power plants this weekend, despite huge power challenges. This is not the worst German policy decision, but it is trying to avoid invading Russia.
Don’t look to Germany as a source of policy wisdom.
Slowly, but surely, European leaders are coming to terms with the reality that diversity is not our strength. It is, in fact, a very dangerous thing, especially if you import people from politically unstable and culturally hostile parts of the world.
It’s not only the high costs that are significant, but also the criminality and cultural disruption. Crimes against women have increased in Great Britain and the Nordic Countries. Rape is a serious problem. The rapists involved are not primarily from the home. Sweden is Europe’s rape capital, with 80% of all rapes that involve violence committed by non-European immigrants.
Because Sweden doesn’t keep crime statistics by ethnicity, a Swedish television station had to dig for these statistics. Facts are the best way to discredit the “diversity our strength” mantra. It’s like the CDC quitting reporting COVID antibody seroprevalence over a decade ago.
It falls to the less sophisticated European countries to build walls. These countries, which haven’t been living in a world of their own for the past 70 years, largely because they have been constantly threatened by some sort of threat over the past seven decades, aren’t as concerned about these issues.
The most ardent supporters of Western civilization are those who have not lived the experience, those from Eastern Europe. They remember how it was before liberal democracy improved their lives. They are aware of the fragility of civilization because they have not been able to live comfortably for 70 years in the US’s protection.
It’s also a good thing.
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