IDF announces elimination Hamas naval forces commander in Gaza City

Ali was successfully targeted by the Air Force, with the help of intelligence provided by the Shin Bet, the Navy and an Air Force aircraft.

Ahmed Ali, commander of Hamas’s naval forces at Gaza City, was eliminated in a joint Israeli Defense Forces and Shin Bet operation.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the IDF confirmed that the operation was carried out successfully with the help of an Air Force plane guided by intelligence provided by the Shin Bet and Navy.

Ali, who is best known as the commander Hamas’s naval forces in Gaza City was active in orchestrating attacks against IDF forces in the Gaza Strip and promoting offensive activities on Israeli territory.

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Recent focus of his attention was on the planning of attacks against IDF forces operating in central Gaza Strip.

Ali was deeply involved over the years in managing different projects for the Hamas Naval Force in the Gaza Strip. He used his position to further the terrorist group’s agenda in this region, according to the IDF.