Shocking: Freed Israeli Hostages Say Hamas Used U.N. Facilities to Hide Them

The outrage has intensified after Israeli hostages who were recently released from Gaza revealed that they had been held in U.N. buildings during their captivity. Critics have called UNRWA “a front for Hamas”, which must be “disbanded”.
Three Israeli women, Romi Gonen and Emily Damari were freed last weekend in a prisoner exchange that saw Israel release 90 Palestinians, including terrorists convicted of crimes.
Channel 13 News in Israel reports that the women who were held captive for nearly a year and half by Hamas described their detention in UN facilities. These included tent camps and zones for humanitarian aid administered by UNRWA.
Moreover, there are reports that they were held in the Kamal Adwan Hospital located in northern Gaza.
Former hostages are currently undergoing rehabilitation after severe conditions, including long periods of confinement underground without sunlight. One woman recalled being forced to undergo a medical procedure with no anesthesia. This highlights the inhumane conditions they were subjected too.
Critics took to social media in response to the disclosures to express their outrage.
We need to confirm that @EliseStefanik is the UN ambassador ASAP and hold UN accountable. Rick Scott, a Republican senator from Florida, wrote that it’s disgusting that the UN has not yet condemned Hamas terrorists who are holding three women as hostages in UN shelters set up for civilians in Gaza.
He added: “If the UN chooses to work with terrorists rather than with the United States or Israel to bring our hostages back home, then they do not deserve one cent of our tax dollars.” “It has been 474 Days – BRING THEM HOME.”
How do we know it’s UNRWA?” UNRWA informed us. UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer wrote: “They boasted that UNRWA runs all UN Shelters.
Richard Goldberg, Senior Advisor at FDD, wrote: “We knew UNRWA used Hamas terrorists and shared its infrastructure. It also allowed Hamas use its facilities for bases of operation.” Now, we know that it provided a safe place for Hamas hostages.
He added: “We must stop seeing UNRWA as just a Hamas supporter and internalize the extent to the which the agency represents Hamas.”
Hen Mazzig is an activist and writer who works as a senior fellow for The Tel Aviv Institute. He highlighted the failures of organizations like the U.N. Red Cross and Amnesty International by highlighting their complicity with Hamas and silence regarding the hostage crisis.
“This happened on your watch, @antonioguterres. Yet you have said nothing, or accepted responsibility, just as you and Dr. Tedros remained silent when a captive revealed that she was being held captive in an hospital,” wrote Moshe E. Lavi, who’s brother-in law is currently held hostage in Gaza. “Hamas weaponises the UN constantly, and you allow it.” “You have failed us.”
“Don’t be surprised. Hamas has taken our hostages at United Nations facilities in Gaza. “The UN and the Hamas-run and infested UNRWA should be disbanded but they will not,” wrote Avi Abelow, a filmmaker. “We’re on our own.” Western leaders are not only complicit, but they also don’t care.
He added: “Don’t worry, we Jews survived 3,000+ year of exiles & persecutions.” “We will also overcome the evil that is being perpetrated against us by this new generation.”
The hostages were being held in UNRWA UN facilities. UNRWA is being defunded by Trump. Trump is anti-terrorist. “I hope this clarifies things,” wrote journalist Eve Barlow.
UNRWA was created in 1948 to help Palestinian refugees following the Arab-Israeli War, which was launched by Arab countries to destroy the newly-established state of Israel. Today, UNRWA supports almost six million people, by redefining the refugee status so that it includes descendants. Critics say this move deviates away from global norms, and perpetuates conflict.
Israel is moving to ban UNRWA over security concerns. The issue comes at a time when UNRWA’s Gaza facilities, which have been accused for years of harboring Hamas agents and enabling terrorist activities, are under increased scrutiny.
Elise Stefanik, the U.N. nominee of President Trump, denounced on Wednesday “antisemitic rot,” in the global organisation, which she called a “den” of antisemitism, as she promised reforms to protect U.S. interest during her Senate hearing.
As part of his first day actions, President Trump stopped funding UNRWA on Tuesday.
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