Sweden Shocks Europe: Abandons ‘Unstable’ Green Energy Agenda, Returns to Nuclear Power

It wasn’t meant to be like this. Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio are claiming that Joe “Existential threat to mankind” Biden, John Kerry, Joe “Existential threat to humanity”, et. al., have all said this. It is, of course the green utopian energy of the Shangra La of tomorrow that Sweden has abandoned and returned to nuclear power.

You’re right, climate loons. Sweden has just dealt a serious blow to globalist climate agendas by scrapping its green energy goals. In announcing this new policy to the Swedish parliament, Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson said that Scandinavia needs “a stable system of energy.”

Svantesson claimed that wind and solar energy are “unstable”, making them unsuitable for meeting the country’s energy needs. She said that the Swedish government has shifted back to nuclear energy and scrapped the goal of “100% renewable energy” to meet the country’s energy requirements, according to Slay.

Gavin Newsom California did not respond to a request for comment.

A Winning Strategy?
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A Winning Strategy?

The Dems think the 7 words you can’t say on TV will help them win next month’s special elections for Congress. They don’t have plans to help the average American, but they will do anything to dupe Americans into granting them power once again. Please help New Journey ensure the GOP maintains the majority and expose the left’s new con!

This photo was taken on Friday, October 9, 2015. Solar panels can be seen in the Ningxia Hui region of northwest China. The w

The decision is a blow to inefficient and unreliable technology. Not to mention Greta Thunberg’s bitter climate gnome who warns humanity about the next climate catastrophe that never happens.

Net Zero Watch vs. The World Economic Forum

The green agenda of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which aims to promote renewable energy, is constantly putting pressure on European countries. The WEF vision is heavily promoted by the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization, Paris Climate Agreement, World Bank and climate catastrophe Joe Biden’s administration.

Svantesson warns other Western nations who blindly follow the WEF’s green agenda.

Net Zero Watch, an environmental campaign group, has welcomed this move.

The Swedish decision represents an important step forward, as it acknowledges the poor quality of wind and solar energy. It is also part of the general decline in confidence in renewable energy, which was pioneered by the Nordic countries and Germany.

The United Kingdom should not only follow Sweden, but also go further.

Sweden, with its small population, can afford to rely on other fuels such as nuclear, hydro, and biomass. But the United Kingdom and other industrialised countries need to accept the reality and realise that the only viable path to industrialisation and competitiveness is a gas-to-nuclear pathway.

Svantesson stated that in “substantially industrialized economies,” “only nuclear pathways are viable for remaining industrialized and competitive.”

John Kerry, Biden’s “climate ambassador”? Mr. Kerry? Where is your brother?

Kerry will no doubt be zipping around in his carbon-belching plane, waxing apocalyptic about the impending climate disasters. Meanwhile, Joe Biden, mumbling, continues his war on everything from gas-powered vehicles to gas heaters and God knows what else.

The Bottom Line

Since more than 60 years, the Democrat Party pursues utopian goals based upon unfounded theories and little or no fact-based information to support their left-wing narratives. They also fix things that are not broken. Is it necessary to protect the environment? It is.

Back in the day, I was not far from Lake Michigan’s South Shore. This meant that there were coal-fired mills emitting pollution. Although my hometown was quite far from the area, the pollution in the skies north of me is still vivid in my memory.

Early on, it was clear that the Environmental Protection Agency, created by Republican President Richard Nixon in 1970 via executive order, was a vital and effective federal agency. The EPA, like many federal agencies and their unreasonable goals, led to price increases for consumers.

It is ironic that Sweden — a country with a long history of promoting nuclear power — has finally woken up to the truth about green energy, despite the “false” threat of nuclear energy.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez did not respond to requests for comment.