Terrified Peruvian villagers claim they are under attack from 7ft-tall ‘aliens’ dubbed ‘Face Peelers’

The villagers of Peru are in constant fear, believing that they are being attacked by 7ft tall ‘aliens.’ They have called them “Los Pelacaras”, which is “The Face Peelers”.

Members of the Ikitu Tribe, who are natives of San Antonio, recounted their chilling encounters in a remote district called Alto Nanay located northeast of Lima.

The villagers have described the extraterrestrials as having large heads and yellowish eyes. They also claim that they are immune to the hunting weapons of the village. Some villagers have compared the alleged ‘aliens,’ with the mythical “pelacaras”, creatures that are said to feed on human faces and organs.

Villagers say that these mysterious figures, who are often shrouded with dark colored hoods have been attacking their community since July 11, for almost a month. There have been multiple incidents reported. The most recent incident involved a 15-year old girl hospitalized following a confrontation with ‘aliens’.

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According to Jairo Reategui, a community leader, the girl barely escaped an encounter but was not uninjured. Jairo Reategui Davila explained that the girl was injured in the struggle.

The villagers, fearing for their own safety, have taken matters in their hands. The community has organized night patrols to “protect women, children and vulnerable” members of the village.

The authorities have been urged to intervene militarily to counter the perceived threat. According to local media, many villages are unable sleep because of the increased fear.

Jairo Davila, a community leader, claims to have seen one of these beings. He said: “Their shoes are round, which they use as floaters… Their heads are large, they wear masks and their eyes are yellowish. They are experts in escaping,”

“We’ve met almost face-to-face. His face is barely visible. He said: “I have seen his entire body floating at one meter height,’ I suggested the being was hovering.”

The group is now requesting a military presence. However, the 10-hour journey by river from Iquitos to the community.

Jairo added: “We need support for our community. The mothers and children are awake all night. They look armored. “I shot one of them two times and he was not injured. He rose and disappeared.”

The theories about the ‘aliens,’ range from real aliens to creatures from folklore or a possible hoax.

Some have suggested that the “beings”, or drones, could be clothed with masks and cloth to scare locals away from illegal miners. Some have said that the sightings may be mass hysteria.

Locals are calling for the deployment of a military force in the area, which is 10 hours by river from Iquitos City.