UN Report Calls for Legalizing Sex Between Adults and Children

UNAIDS’ disturbing report on pedophilia adds to the growing concern about leaders around the world pushing for normalization.

UNAIDS’ website provides legal guidance for issues related to sex, such as those involving children younger than 18.

The report does not discuss the appropriate age for consent, but suggests that minors may consent to having sexual relations with an adult.

The report says that “Sexual behavior involving persons under the minimum age for consenting to sex prescribed in the country may be consensual, even if it is not legal.”

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The Rubber Meets the Road

To all of the GOP Senators and Members of Congress: This is where the rubber meets the road. They campaigned saying they stood with Trump and would help pass his agenda. The time for proving those words have meaning is now. Join the Republican Liberty Caucus in demanding Congress put their words into action and implement Trump’s agenda… or we’ll find someone else who will.

The law also urges judges, lawyers and law enforcement officials to take into account “the right and capacity of minors under the age of 18 to make their own decisions regarding consensual sexual behavior and to be heard on matters affecting them” in determining whether to enforce laws concerning sex between minors.

The report goes on to say: “In light of their developing capacities and increasing autonomy, people under the age of 18 should be able to participate in decision-making that affects them, while taking into account their age, maturity, and best interests. Non-discrimination is also taken into consideration.”

Cassy Fiano Chesser, a Live Action News reporter, said that the report called for decriminalizing sex between minors and adults, as long as they ‘consent.’ Minors cannot consent to having sex with an older person, something these so-called “experts” should know.

The report presents the issue as a matter of rights and acceptance.

Edwin Cameron, a South African lawyer who is “proudly homosexual”, wrote the forward of the report. He argued that laws on sex could make people feel isolated because of their sexuality.

“Criminal Law can thus lead to hostility, exclusions, inequalities, discrimination, and marginalizations of individuals and group, even up to violence.” Cameron wrote that as a result of this, “human rights, democratic values, and social inclusion all suffer.”

He said that laws criminalizing homosexual behavior “codify” discrimination against people with different sexual orientations. Cameron didn’t mention it, but now some argue that an adult sexually attracted towards children is not a pedophile, but a sexual orientation.

The report’s insistence on the “right” of humans to kill unborn children in elective abortions was another disturbing aspect.

The report recommends decriminalizing all abortions. This would shield dangerous, untrained abortionists or quacks.

The report says: “Abortion should be removed from the criminal law. This includes having, assisting, assisting or providing an abortion …”.

The group also believes that mothers who use drugs or alcohol while pregnant should not be punished, even if their unborn child is injured.

Fox News reports that the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), UNAIDS, and the Office of the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights were among the groups involved in the creation of the report.