California plunges in state conservative rankings, CPAC study says

The Center for Legislative Accountability’s (CLA), has released a new analysis that confirms the isolation of conservatives in California.

CLA’s analysis, a joint project of CPA, the American Conservation Union Foundation and CPA, shows that California legislators are becoming more progressive since the last results. The Golden State has dropped three places – from #44 up to #47.

CLA’s analyzed all 7,400 US state legislators by voting records and gave California’s legislature a conservative rating 24%. California is liberalized by Rhode Island at 20%, Hawaii at 19% and Massachusetts at 15%.

CPAC reports that lawmakers’ “conservative rating” was calculated based on their voting record in 186 policy areas, which covered everything from tax, fiscal and other regulations to cultural and life issues.

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CLA received more than 320,000 votes to produce the scores and 50 states rankings. CPAC awarded only 17 California Republican legislators for achieving a conservative rating greater than 80%.

California’s Democratic state senators outnumber Republicans 29: 9. Republicans are outnumbered 58 to 17.

According to the study, the plunge will worsen after the flip of Republican seats in the state Assembly to Democrat.