Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Blames ‘Right-Wing Extremists’ for City’s Problems

Democrat Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson blamed the “right-wing extremeism” of some of his city’s ills.

Johnson made his comments about the “far-right” at a Tuesday press conference.

The mayor stated that “what we have seen is a very raggedy right-wing extremism”. “Everyone is aware that right-wing extremism has been targeting democratically run cities in the United States. And quite frankly, it’s not a coincidence that they are going after cities led by people of colour.”

The mayor said that “right-wing extremeists” want to cause “division and confusion because that’s what this particular political party is about.”

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It is the same party who refused to accept that Obama was an American. The same Republican right-wing extremes stormed Washington, and the same right-wing extremes refuse to accept the outcome of the civil conflict. It’s raggedy. It’s disrespectful. He said, “It’s malicious.”

It is abhorrent and an insult to all that is good in this country that extremism uses people as political instruments to settle political scores over something that occurred 400 years ago. “They’re still angry that a free black man lives in this country,” said he.

The mayor did not only blame right-wing extremists during his press conference. The Daily Mail reports that Johnson blamed both his predecessor and Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot for the mess he inherited.

Johnson also attacked “right-wing extremeists” in October of last year, claiming that they were captured by an “unclean spirits”.

The real disconnect is your unclean spirit, which has captivated the right-wing extremes in this nation. I urge them to lean more on their faith and dig deeper. Jesus said that our real neighbors are the ones on the roadside. Johnson said, “Those are our neighbours.”