Gov. Abbott holds ceremonial signing for ‘Save Women’s Sports Act’ in Denton

Greg Abbott, the Governor of Texas, gave a ceremonial pen stroke to the law called the “Save Women’s Sports Act”, and he emphasized its originality.

He said that some women were forced to play with men of their own gender.

Texas Woman’s University, Denton was chosen by the Governor for signing. She was flanked with women college athletes and other supporters.

Abbott stated that “this law prohibits men of biological origin from participating in a team, whereas a woman can compete against them in college sports.”

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They even explained why they applauded Abbott’s position.

Riley Gaines is a decorated former collegiate swimmer who competed in the 2022 NCAA Championships for the University of Kentucky.

She was tied with a transgender University of Pennsylvania student.

Gaines said that “any amount of commonsense you can easily understand the fact that men are on average taller, stronger and more powerful than women.” It’s a biological fact, but we live in a time when it’s controversial for men and women to be different.

A different story outside

The number of passionate protesters against the new law that will take effect in September is in the hundreds.

Analiese Clair said, “There are transgender people fleeing Texas because of the legislation in Texas. They are fleeing Texas because it is wrong.”

Another protester said, “He pretends that he cares about women’s rights, but when it comes abortion, he does not care. When it comes trans lives, he does not care. Yet he uses women’s rights to discriminate against the trans community.”

Abbott’s response to the protests was passionate, referring to women who were at the top of the sports world.

“They dedicated their lives!” He said that they had sacrificed so much, working harder than anyone else in the room. They spent longer days and nights to reach a goal, only to be forced to compete with a man.