Minnesota bill would make state ‘trans refuge’ for kids seeking transgender medical treatment

Minnesota legislators are currently considering a bill to establish Minnesota as a “trans refuge” state for transgender children seeking medical treatment. However, it could be blocked by laws from other states.

The legislation, HF146, was introduced by Rep. Leigh Finke of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party.

Finke stated that HF146 would make Minnesota a trans refuge state, protecting trans people, their families, and medical professionals from the legal repercussions for traveling to Minnesota to receive gender affirming care.

“This community has a desperate need. Finke stated that this bill is not hypothetical. “Gender-diverse individuals in Minnesota are currently receiving gender-affirming healthcare. They are asking for help in finding their way to the right place.

Kamala’s Bank Funnels money to Terrorists
1776 Coalition Sponsored
Kamala’s Bank Funnels money to Terrorists

Did you know that labor unions, the Democratic Party and politicians like Kamala Harris are responsible for providing financial aid to groups that support Middle East terrorism? Our new documentary exposes their bank, Amalgamated Bank, for using proceeds from bank fees to do it. Please watch the trailer and help the Coalition for Jewish Values end the killing of Americans and our friends in Israel.

HF146 would prohibit law enforcement from removing a child out of parental custody in compliance with an order from Minnesota.

This clause is intended to make sure that children who are undergoing gender transitions under Minnesota law can not be governed by child protective laws from other states.

It is unclear when the bill will be debated in the Minnesota legislature.