New Mexico governor’s suspension of gun rights draws fire from police, Dems, gun control advocates

New Mexico Gov. Within hours of New Mexico Gov.

In response to an upsurge of violent shootings in Albuquerque, the governor took the bold step to suspend gun rights in the area for 30 days. He called it a “public health emergency”.

The order allows open or concealed firearms carry in public areas, from city sidewalks up to urban recreation parks. In most public places, the state has allowed open handgun carry for many years.

The National Association for Gun Rights and Foster Haines a member from Albuquerque sued the Governor in U.S. District Court of New Mexico and requested an immediate injunction to prevent her Friday order.

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The gun group claimed in a post on social media that Ms. Lujan-Grisham had issued a “tyrannical order banning the carrying of firearms.”

It said, “See you at court!”

A liberal Democratic congressman, a prominent gun control advocate, and New Mexico law enforcement all criticized the order issued by Ms. Lujan Grisham.

“I support gun safety laws. This order by the New Mexico Governor violates the U.S. Constitution. “No state can suspend the federal constitution,” said California Democrat Ted Lieu on X.

David Hogg, a former student who survived the shooting at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman High School, and later became a leader in the gun control movement said that Ms. Lujan-Grisham crossed the line.

He wrote: “I support gun control but there isn’t a state emergency public health exception in the U.S. Constitution.”

New Mexico lawmakers said that Ms. Lujan-Grisham had violated the rights of citizens and should be removed from her office.

“Public Health Order for Gun Control” Bernalillo county, stand strong! New Mexico, stand up! We are not criminals. “Our rights are being violated,” said Greg Baca, state senator and the top Republican of the chamber.

Stefani Lord, a state representative from California, and John Block of New York called for the impeachment the governor.

In a press release, Ms. Lord stated that this was an “abhorrent” attempt to impose a radical progressive agenda onto an unwilling population.

When Ms. Lujan-Grisham announced the emergency order she insisted that it was not unconstitutional, and was permitted under an “exception” from the Constitution’s right to bear arms.

She said, “If I declare an emergency temporarily and there is an emergency, I have the right to invoke additional powers.” “In my opinion, no constitutional right is meant to be absolute, and that includes my oath.” Free speech is restricted. “There are restrictions on my rights.”

Ms. Lujan-Grisham said that parents who lost their children are the ones most affected by the violence crime wave. They deserve her attention, and the discussion about the suspension of guns in an emergency should be held.

We can create a safe environment. What about their constitutional right?

She responded to a reporter who asked if laws were already in place against crime: “If I am unsafe, then who is standing up for my right?” Someone should act if this climate is out of control.

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association responded to the suspension order on social media by declaring: “We won’t comply.”

The group stated that the NM Bill of Rights guaranteed the right to bear arms for defense, security and other lawful reasons. The New Mexico Civil Rights Act signed by Lujan Grisham allows a person who has had their rights violated to sue for damages or injunctive action.

The act allows for damages up to $2,000,000 per person.

Elon Musk is the tech billionaire who owns X. He commented on his social media platform that “deliberately violating the Constitution was next-level illegal.” How soon can the person in question be removed from office?

Lujan Grisham’s public health emergency was based on the violent crime rate spike in Albuquerque metropolitan area. The temporary ban on open or concealed carry of firearms does not apply to police officers and licensed security guards.

Residents can still take their firearms with them to private locations, like a gun range, or a gun store. However, the firearm must have a lock, or other mechanism that prevents it from firing.

Ms. Lujan-Grisham stated that she was expecting legal challenges but chose to proceed with her order because of the recent spate of shootings. One of these shootings resulted in an 11-year old boy being killed outside a minor-league baseball stadium.

She said that the state police will be responsible for enforcing a month-long order, which amounts to civil penalties as well as a fine up to $5,000.

Her aggressive approach to curbing violence was lauded by other gun control activists.

Miranda Viscoli is the co-president and co-founder of New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence.

The Washington Times contacted other gun control groups, such as Brady United and Everytown for comments, but received no response.

New Mexico’s law enforcement officials were also at odds with Lujan Grisham.

Albuquerque Police chief Harold Medina has said that he will not enforce the order, and Bernalillo County sheriff John Allen is concerned because of too many constitutional questions surrounding it.

Allen stated in a Friday statement that, “while I understand and applaud the urgency, I believe the temporary ban undermines the foundation of our Constitution, which I took an oath uphold.” “I’m wary of putting my deputies into positions that may lead to civil liability conflict, as well the risks posed when denying law-abiding people their constitutional right to defend themselves.”

Albuquerque mayor Tim Keller, a Democrat from Albuquerque, distanced himself from the Governor. He told X that it was not the Albuquerque Police Department’s responsibility to enforce the order.

Ms. Lujan-Grisham acknowledged that her emergency order wasn’t popular.

She said, “I welcome the discussion and the fight on how to make New Mexicans safe,” at a press conference in which she was flanked with law enforcement officials including the Albuquerque District Attorney.