Sen. Johnson to Newsmax: Obama ‘Fully Aware’ of Influence Peddling

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told Newsmax on Saturday that an “in-depth investigation” into Hunter Biden’s business dealings abroad should also include former President Barack Obama, because the latter was “fully informed of many of these things.”

Johnson stated this during a Newsmax “America Right Now” appearance.

Let’s be honest. Then-CIA Director John Brennan briefed President Obama and Vice President Biden about the Hillary Clinton campaign’s plan to accuse Trump of colluding.

He continued, “They were informed about that in August 2016”.

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“President Obama was fully aware that the Russian collusion false narrative was a sham. It was false. He allowed the investigation to proceed. Michael Flynn was set up to never work in the Trump White House, because he is just too dangerous. He knew far too much. So they took Gen. Flynn’s legs completely out from under him. “I think Obama is aware of much of this, and is just as corrupt in this case as federal law enforcement agencies and the Biden family.”

The National Archives and Records Administration, after acknowledging in June that there were 5,400 emails and other electronic records connected to then-Vice President Joe Biden using alias accounts, missed the deadline of August 31 to hand over the documents the House Oversight Committee which is conducting the Hunter Biden investigation.

Last week, NARA announced that it had sent the documents to the Biden White House, and to former President Barack Obama to request permission to release them to the Oversight Committee.

“Sen. Johnson stated that Grassley, along with myself, have sent three letters to the White House starting in summer 2021 asking for the same documents, the emails written under the pseudonym Joe Biden.

The White House was aware of this and has stonewalled us. It’s interesting that during our investigation into 2020, we asked for documents from the National Archives, which President Obama had to also sign. He did. He gave the National Archives permission to release those documents. I don’t understand why he won’t allow them to be released now.”

He continued, “That’s why you’d likely have an impeachment investigation.” “That signals to the courts that Congress is performing its constitutional oversight and constitutional duty when it comes impeachment, and it allows these subpoenas become more enforceable by courts.”