San Francisco Charges 26 Pro-Palestinian Activists for Blocking Golden Gate Bridge

The District Attorney in San Francisco filed criminal charges against 26 individuals, including felonies. They were accused of blocking the Golden Gate Bridge, trapping hundreds of people for hours, including doctors and people who needed medical care.

Breitbart reported on April in the following way:

On Monday, hundreds of anti-Israel demonstrators shut down San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge amid a nationwide wave of protests.

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Viral videos caught the moment cars began to pile up on the bridge. This prompted the California Highway Patrol (CHP), which is responsible for traffic enforcement, to issue a Signal Alert in the direction of southbound traffic. Around 10:30 am, two hours later, the CHP posted on social media about arrests. 15 people were taken into custody.

D.A. Brooke Jenkins, the D.A. appointed in 2022 when voters ousted Chesa Boudin of the far-left, and who filed charges, was Brooke Jenkins. Bill Melugin, Fox News’ Bill Melugin, summarized the criminal proceedings.

The Department of Justice Civil Rights Division under Assistant U.S. attorney general Kristen Clarke, and Attorney General Merrick G. Garland has been quiet.