Arizona court declines most of Lake’s appeal over gov’s race

Arizona Supreme Court declined to hear Republican Kari Lake’s appeal regarding her challenge in the governor’s race, but it revived a claim that had been dismissed by a trial judge.

Wednesday’s order by the highest court of the state stated that a lower court had incorrectly dismissed Lake’s claim regarding the application signature verification procedures to early ballots in Maricopa County. The court remanded the case to a trial court for consideration.

Lake stated Wednesday night that she was thrilled by the decision.

Lake stated in a statement that “The signature verification process for Maricopa County in Arizona is a house made of cards.” “Thanks to this ruling, my team will have the opportunity to topple it.”

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Lake lost to Katie Hobbs, Democrat, by just over 17,000 votes. She was one of the most vocal 2022 Republican candidates promoting ex-President Donald Trump’s election lies. This was the main theme of her campaign. Lake was not like most election deniers across the country who conceded their defeats in November.

The challenge was centered on issues with the ballot printers at polling stations in Maricopa County. This county is home to over 60% of Arizona’s voters.

The ballots were too light for the tabulators on site at polling stations due to defective printing. The confusion caused some lines to back up. Intentional misconduct was alleged to have caused problems with the ballot printers in Lake.

Officials in the county claim that everyone was able to vote. All ballots were counted as those who were affected by the printers were taken over to higher-tech counters at election headquarters.

The Arizona Court of Appeals rejected Lake’s assertions in February. They concluded that she had not presented any evidence that voters whose ballots weren’t readable by the tabulators at polling stations were unable to vote.

Even though Lake was called as a witness to testify, the appeals court said that ballots that were not initially read at polling stations may have been counted. The appeals court found that even though a pollster claimed that polling place problems had disenfranchised enough voters, his testimony was not valid.

Lake’s lawyers also claimed that the chain of custody for the ballots was broken at an out-of-site facility, where a contractor scans mail in ballots to prepare them to be processed. Lawyers claimed that workers placed their mail-in ballots in the pile instead of returning them through regular channels. They also claimed that there was no documentation documenting ballot transfers. The county refutes the claims.

Hobbs’ lawyers claimed Lake tried to create distrust in Arizona’s election results, but they didn’t offer any evidence to support her claims.

Lake was faced with a very difficult challenge. She had to prove misconduct in order to win and it led to the wrong woman being named the winner.

Hobbs was elected governor on January 2.