Blue states unite to resist federal pressure under Trump

JB Pritzker and Jared Polis are behind the effort to ‘fortify the institutions of democracy’

A new group led by two blue-state governors is working to stop efforts to undermine or dismantle state government agencies and courts, as well as elections.

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, the Governors Safeguarding Democracy Initiative will be led by Jared Polis in response to Donald Trump’s reelection.

Pritzker told a press conference that “we are fighting back against the increasing threat of autocracy, and strengthening the institutions of democratic government on which our country and states rely.”

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Both governors hail from Blue States where the party leaders have been bracing themselves for possible backlash.

Governors Safeguarding Democracy (GSD) is non-partisan. Pritzker, Polis, and other Democratic governors are contacting Republican governors about joining the project. They hope to “leverage our collective experience and institutional know-how… to protect rule of law”, as the Illinois governor put it.

Polis stated that the organization was formed “because we knew that hope alone will not save our democracy.” To protect and strengthen democracy, we need to work together at all levels, but especially the state level.

The organization has been privately funded, not by Pritzker who is on Forbes’ list of billionaires. The organization’s goals are similar with those of the National Governors Association that Polis chairs now, but it is a separate entity, and has its own researchers and staff.

Polis stated that the group does not single out any specific threat. It’s all about being proactive in educating the public and ensuring governors are equipped with the tools to support our democratic and small institutions.

Pritzker, Polis and their families have been friends for over 30 years. They have faced similar challenges in recent times when it comes to managing immigration.

They are sanctuary states that do not work with federal immigration authorities. This stance may cause conflict with the Trump administration, as Trump has threatened withholding federal law enforcement grants to jurisdictions who refuse to cooperate with immigration authorities.