Democratic Rep. Jared Golden wins through Maine’s ranked choice voting

Jared Golden, a Democrat from Maine, was re-elected to Congress on Friday through the Maine’s ranked choices system.

Golden has won the district’s hotly-contested elections three times in four years after the votes were retallied because the first choices did not produce a majority.

Austin Theriault, the Republican candidate, was behind this time. His campaign had stated that he would request a recount. It was repeated Friday evening by his campaign.

We have observed several anomalies which can only be corrected by a complete recount. Shawn Roderick, Theriault’s campaign manager said that they appreciate the patience and support of everyone as we strive to count every vote.

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Golden stated that the results showed he had won and thanked his supporters. He said Theriault had every right to ask for a recount. He said that he will continue to work in Washington.

Maine’s 2nd district, which is mostly rural and famous for its lobstering and logging and is known as a rural area, has supported Donald Trump at each of his previous three elections.

On Election Day, neither candidate received a majority in the first-place votes. Theriault was ahead of Golden in the initial count by about 2,000 first-place votes, but both candidates fell short of a majority because less than 49 percent of votes were cast. This is due to 12,000 ballots which either had blanks or write-in candidates.

Maine’s ranked-choice process was triggered by the initial result. The ballots from each district were sent to the state capitol, where they were verified, scanned and retabulated. Secretary of State Shenna bellows narrated the process on livestream. Then, the second choices made by voters on blank ballots for Golden or Theriault or for write-in candidates are reallocated in order to determine the winner.

Some media declared Golden as the winner prematurely before the secretary’s office used the ranked-choice process. Theriault quickly requested a count. Maine law allows for a recount, but the results of the election must be certified by November 25.

Bellows stated that the recount, which is not yet scheduled, will begin around Thanksgiving, and last into December.

This was one of the few races that were truly competitive in this country, as both parties fought to control the House of Representatives. It also attracted a lot of political spending.

Golden, known for his willingness defy his party, ran his campaign on his ability of working with both Democrats, and Republicans, and his advocacy for lobster industry which is crucial for the economy in this region.

Golden stated during a debate in October that he was “one of the most independent and bipartisan members of Congress.” He also said that he voted more against Joe Biden than any other Democrat member of the House of Representatives.

Golden was attacked because he opposed assault weapons. He announced this after an Army reserve used an assault weapon to kill 18 people in Lewiston, Ohio in October 2023 and injure another 13.

Theriault, the first Maine House member elected in 2022, described Golden as being too liberal for his district. Theriault, who had Trump’s backing, also presented himself as someone who could bring people together during a period of division.

Theriault stated during the debate that “We need to have more balance in Washington and less extremism.” “I can get down there and do the job.” “I want to be a voice for everyone.”

Golden was repeatedly elected to Congress by the district voters after close elections that were not settled without the state’s ranked choice process. Ranked-choice tabulations enabled Golden to defeat Republican incumbent Rep. Bruce Poliquin and win a rematch against him in 2022.

Maine voters adopted a voting system in 2016 that allows them to rank their top three choices on the ballot. The candidate who receives the majority of votes in first place is declared the winner. If there is no winner of the majority, then the last-placed candidates are eliminated, and their supporters’ second choice votes are used to reallocate votes. This continues until a candidate reaches 50%.

The 2nd Congressional District, which stretches from Maine’s northernmost corner to the southernmost tip of Canada, is one of the largest in terms area. Along the rugged Down East coast, logging and lobster fishing are major sources of income.

Maine is one out of two states that divides electoral votes according to congressional districts — Nebraska is another — and Trump won his sole New England elector vote in Maine 2nd district three times.

The other two electoral votes in Maine — one for statewide and another for the 1st Congressional district — went to the Democratic candidate, because the deep-blue 1st Congressional district is centered around Portland, which is the largest city and a liberal stronghold. Chellie Peingree, a Democratic Representative from Maine, won her ninth term in the district over Republican Ron Russell and Independent Ethan Alcorn.