Texas office of GOP Rep. Monica De La Cruz vandalized over her support of Israel: ‘I make no apologies’

The South Texas office for US Rep. Monica De La Cruz, R-Texas, was vandalized by pro-Hamas supporters angry about her support of Israel this week.

De La Cruz expressed his support for Israel in the military response it has made to the attack on Oct. 7, by Hamas terrorists, which killed more than 1,400 Israelis near the Gaza Strip.

Many pro-Palestinian activists have criticised Israel’s bombardment of Gaza that has led to thousands of deaths.

De La Cruz stated in a press release that “on October 7th, Iranian backed Hamas terrorists killed over 1,000 innocent civilians, including many Americans in the largest massacre of Jews in history.” These savages have burned babies in ovens and decapitated children in front of their parents. They also tortured their parents in front of their children.

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De La Cruz posted images of her McAllen office, a border city in Texas, vandalized by spray paint. One message was written on a window: “Israel also kills Jews.” A second one, which appeared on the ground, read: “You cannot escape your crimes Monica.”

De La Cruz was accused by another of supporting Israel in its genocide of Palestinians.

She said, “The pro Hamas activists who vandalized her office may not understand the importance of standing by our Jewish brothers and sister during their darkest hours. But I don’t.” “My support for Israel, the Jewish community, and all of its people has always been and will always be unwavering.” I will not apologize for my firm stance against antisemitism. “These vandals won’t intimidate me or silence my voice.”

De La Cruz said that South Texas is home to a “small, but vibrant Jewish Community.” Her office has offered support by contacting local authorities and rabbis.